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Question about reefs

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  • Question about reefs

    I have been trying to find some specific reefs (scott and courthouse reefs are 2), i can not find any depth changes where they are supposed to be. Am i missing them or do all reefs not have a depth change and it's just scattered Shell on the bottom? Like todds dump is obvious just watching the surface water, i know all reefs are different but i have searched for a few in Galveston bay that i can not find. Should i just trust my gps and know there's something different with the bottom, or is there something I'm missing?
    Green grass and high tides forever
    Mike Mathena

  • #2
    Get Reef Recon from Troutsupport. Will show you exactly where it is.

    There is not always a depth change. You can also use a pvc pole as you go along to feel for shell. Or drag a chain and it will start jumping when it is dragging thru shell....

    But Reef Recon is infinitely more valuable than wasting time doing the above.


    • #3
      Sgrem, i appreciate the info, i do have a 6' pvc pole with a T handle, i figured out pretty quick i need a longer one.
      Green grass and high tides forever
      Mike Mathena


      • #4
        Question about reefs

        If you go to the template page you will see a demo for it.You can use that to see the template layout.You could even add your pic there to see if it will work for what you want to do.dresswell


        • #5
          Yep, Steve is right. Each reef is very different and depends on their age mostly and also how often they are dragged by a shrimp net. Some reefs come 6' off the bottom in 8' of water, and others only 3" -Not always relief.

          I spent thousands in gas to map the reefs so that you don't have to. Now you can just fish.

