I have been trying to find some specific reefs (scott and courthouse reefs are 2), i can not find any depth changes where they are supposed to be. Am i missing them or do all reefs not have a depth change and it's just scattered Shell on the bottom? Like todds dump is obvious just watching the surface water, i know all reefs are different but i have searched for a few in Galveston bay that i can not find. Should i just trust my gps and know there's something different with the bottom, or is there something I'm missing?
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Question about reefs
Get Reef Recon from Troutsupport. Will show you exactly where it is.
There is not always a depth change. You can also use a pvc pole as you go along to feel for shell. Or drag a chain and it will start jumping when it is dragging thru shell....
But Reef Recon is infinitely more valuable than wasting time doing the above.
Yep, Steve is right. Each reef is very different and depends on their age mostly and also how often they are dragged by a shrimp net. Some reefs come 6' off the bottom in 8' of water, and others only 3" -Not always relief.
I spent thousands in gas to map the reefs so that you don't have to. Now you can just fish.