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Still in a drought

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  • Still in a drought

    Put in at kemah bridge headed to s.trinity bay had live shrimp n plastic,water was calm n off color brown, was stopping at every rig could not get a bite .There were oyster boats as far as you could see making more noise than an busy airport so I headed to red fish island than todds dump than clear lake and still nothing but 3 gaftops, an a few hardheads.I fished with Inkedangler and Alvinslash they were very grateful for the invite and I was very grateful they could go they will both be invited again.Great day on the water I will leave them alone for a while.

  • #2
    Bubba, I was just fixing to post, Haha. Thank you again Ruben. Seriously, I had a blast today. Meeting you, and Alvinslash, just soaking shrimp, and chunking
    Some plastics. It was a great day on the water. Haven't been on a boat in quite a while, so when I say the invite was much appreciated, I mean that from the fishermans soul. I definitely look forward to another outing. Next time we're catching fish!!!!!! And next we won't be limited!
    Sent from my HTC Liberty using Tapatalk
    InKed Angler


    • #3
      Originally posted by Galveston340
      .....sorry to hear that you guys didn't hook up today. I called "bubba" last night and was supposed to meet "smooth move" early to head out. Had the alarm cell phone right next to me set to go off three times in a row and still overslept.
      Called "smooth move" when I woke up around 08:37 and got the report on what he had caught.

      .....I'll let him share the pics! Sorry I wasn't there. However...

      Headed down to Louis's Bait camp to drop a few things off and went over to chill with "smooth move" for a bit and drop off some Jap peppers and his copy of the SeaBreeze News. Left his house and stayed on the road that after the turn around goes by that Dimitries Fish place. Stopped on the south side and took out the glasses and there was bait going nuts! Either small shad or shrimp were blowing up and there were pretty good sized mullet getting hit so hard I saw one jump up in the grass. Didn't see any tails but it was either Reds or flounder pounding the heck out of the bait right at sundown.

      Man I would have loved to seen that. I love watching the bait getting blown up on the bank.
      KEEP IT WET..

