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Cold & No Fish........

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  • Cold & No Fish........

    I waded upper bay spoils yesterday afternoon from 1:30 until dark and caught one good trout on a regular Corky. It actually caught it's self, because when I reeled up some slack it was there!
    I took a couple of buddies today. We waded two different areas and made several drifts from 10:00 until 3:30 and never had a bite, never saw any bait.......nothing.
    The water was super clear everywhere and the tide was coming in strong. It's just too damn cold! The water this morning was 42 degrees and only hit 46 this afternoon.
    Dem fish are in Offats or some other deep holes I guess. Maybe Sneeky found some?

  • #2
    Where'd you walk in? I was thinking of wading Dana cove or maybe over by 8 mile/Sportsman's road tomorrow morning.
    "Curmudgeon only pawn in game of life."


    • #3
      I was out there untll 11 when I had to go in when my hot engine alarm went off for the second time. Water temp was 42 when I started and was 45 when I left. Offats did have warmer water, 48 degrees, and I was marking fish at 13 ft., but couldn't get any bites. One of the teams fishing the GTT only had 3 reds all day from the upper bay. Without any wind, that water was gin clear.


      • #4
        Same here. Upper west bay shell... saw about 10 trout with the largest maybe hitting 20 inches....fat smaller ones. Also saw three nice reds... all fish were in 2.5-3.5 feet. fish in the box = 0!!! extremely sluggish fish wouldn't bite anything. missed one fish that was a throwback on a devil. I'll try again tomorrow.
        Live every week like its shark week


        • #5
          I report more of the same. North/South Deer Island area. I think I caught one bite.


          • #6
            Thanks for all the reports guys.


            • #7
              It's Been Slow!!!! We fished the GTT yesterday and only landed 3 trout all day long. Very few bites. they should start acting a little more lively later today and the rest of this week should be pretty good.


              • #8
                [QUOTE=shallowist;116337]It's Been Slow!!!! We fished the GTT yesterday and only landed 3 trout all day long. Very few bites. they should start acting a little more lively later today and the rest of this week should be pretty good.[/QUOTE]

                A master of the obvious! LOL
                I'm guessing you weren't fishing West Bay?
                "GET OFF MY REEF!"


                • #9
                  We pretty much stayed in one spot that has been holding some decent fish all day. What little bite that we got happened early. I had 8 reds and got 2 of our trout before 9am. I think I had maybe 4 bites the rest of the day. Steve got our 3rd trout about 130. That was really it for us. Our fish were in 4' of water on mud with a little shell. Did not see any bait all day and only saw 1 Loon. Yesterday was a very tough day.


                  • #10
                    Rumor has it that DPOP and Steve took 3th in the GTT. Congratulations, especially fishing under very tough conditions.


                    • #11
                      It had more to do with the level of patience required to catch fish this week. We do things in tournament fishing that I wouldn't normally do recreationally and or guiding. Most people wouldn't want to stand in one area all day ( from just after 5am until 3pm) and cast repeatedly at nothing!! We didn't see a single mullet all day, other than the one that the loon was trying to choke down. There was nothing there to indicate that a fish was in the area. It was a big gamble on a spot that we like to fish in the cold. If there had been an option to give up and go home, I probably would have taken it yesterday. Hoping that I can feel my fingers and toes for the next few tournaments. LOL


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by shallowist View Post
                        It had more to do with the level of patience required to catch fish this week. We do things in tournament fishing that I wouldn't normally do recreationally and or guiding. Most people wouldn't want to stand in one area all day ( from just after 5am until 3pm) and cast repeatedly at nothing!! We didn't see a single mullet all day, other than the one that the loon was trying to choke down. There was nothing there to indicate that a fish was in the area. It was a big gamble on a spot that we like to fish in the cold. If there had been an option to give up and go home, I probably would have taken it yesterday. Hoping that I can feel my fingers and toes for the next few tournaments. LOL
                        I've waded the same 100 yards of rocks in Alazan all day in the winter before. It really paid off with some very nice trout.
                        Congrats on the 3rd. in the tournament.
                        "GET OFF MY REEF!"


                        • #13
                          Don't know where my son fished .Just found out he got 4th place in the tourny.

