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sand at san luis

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  • sand at san luis

    Going down to SLP friday morning. Thankfully my brother is letting me borrow his truck. 4x4, lifted a bit etc. I have never tried to drive to the bay side/protected waters, but was wondering if there is a route. Ive seen plenty of trucks on the beach, but never sure how they got there. Do they pull off and drive underneath the bridge somehow?!? any help would be appreciated.


  • #2
    If you're coming from Galveston, I usually pull off to the right just before the bridge and work my way through the marsh. There a several clean truck paths to take through there. From there, you can work your way around to the beach side too. Sand can be a little hairy just on the bay side of the bridge on the small path there. Hopefully someone a little more technology savy than me can post a map. Good Luck


    • #3
      Do as BG said. I would also encourage you to go to google earth and take a birds eye look. With a 4x4 I have never had a problem. I have also gone the long way which is sometimes best. Go as if you are going to beach and when you get to the hard sand stay on it all the way under the bridge and to your spot. if the water if high though this is tough.


      • #4
        Be careful. It's so dry the sand is really soft. Good luck!
        "Curmudgeon only pawn in game of life."


        • #5
          both routes are good. its really bad on the south side of the bridge
          Captain Glenn Stevens
          Coastal Guide Service


          • #6
            appreciate all the help gents. by long way im assuming that means hugging the waters edge and just ridding it around to the back bay areas no?


            • #7
              Yea that's probably the best way since the sand is pretty soft, you're more likely to get help if you're stuck there than if you got stuck back on a soft marsh road (more cars on the beach)
              You never know what the tide might bring


              • #8
                Ifgoing West, Get off just before toll booth, go around and under bridge...make a right and run parallel with bridge on South side. Go up to the second crossover and follow it (the sand all summer has been pretty packed here vs the first one.)...then just explore! You can get there with 2 wheels no problem. I've been down there maybe 6 times in the last month and never needed the 4 wheel except once and that was getting from the beach back to the access rd to the toll booth. Thispast weekend we had some pretty extreme tides too, low was about 1.5 ft low and if setting up camp near the water...choose a high area and look for old crab mounds. If you find an area without...the water never made it that high. Just a tip!
                Don't be a Nancy!
                If it smells like fish....you know I've been there!


                • #9
                  i take a toyota camry out there all the time by driving through the marsh. you might have to explore a lil bit but if you find the right path you will end up close to where the beach ends. you can see this path on google earth. if you dont have it download it for free and it will be like youve been there done that to so many places you've probably never been or seen or heard of. thats how i found westend for the crawfish boil and great company!!! google earth also shows you sand bars and cuts in the waterways and bay systems.


                  • #10
                    Caution.....There have been a lot of vehicle break-ins on the east side of the pass. People parking and wading out to fish have come back in to only to find that their vehicle had been broken into.


                    • #11
                      I have never had an issue out at the pass not saying you won't but there are thieves anywhere you go
                      We are West End Anglers, a saltwater tribe!


                      • #12
                        I know, but it's been particullary bad around there. That's the last I heard.


                        • #13
                          I tried my rwd xterra on it and it was scary. I will not go back there without 4x4. I almost got stuck the whole time I was driving. This was about a month ago. Make sure that traction control is off before you start driving. I forgot it comes on automatically when you restart the nissan and it almost screwed me.

                          The last little bit to get out of the open beach I had to floor it around a stuck 4x4 jeep GC I got very lucky if he got stuck there.

