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Friday and Saturday 7/8 and 7/9

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  • Friday and Saturday 7/8 and 7/9

    Got a couple days in this weekend as I was able to borrow a boat while my engine is being rebuilt. Already reported but to sum up...Hit the water early Friday and hooked up with a 16" spec and then nothing for a while. After trying a few other spots wound up back where I started and caught and kept three flounder.

    Saturday was tournament day. My wife wanted to fish with me so we "teamed up" for the tournament...well, we got off to a late start. Got to my first spot and there was a boat there. Second spot, boat there. Uh oh. My plan to try and catch some pig trout early then go get redfish. Time to change plans I guess. Headed across the bay and across Chocolate to New Bayou to get out of he wind. First spot up in there and no boats! Got Lara rigged up and she got a line out there. I threw off the back of the boat a few times then BAM! No doubt this was a red and felt like a good one. But then the line sat still...got hung up. I let the line go slack and gave it a five count. Tightened up and pulled hard to see if I could free it...and I got lucky because it was that heavy feel as if you are pulling in a log then I felt it free and the fish started moving again. He made a couple circles around the boat and then wore out. Measured about 27". Made a few more casts and nothing...time to move. Headed further in. Next spot produced again pretty quick as I hung another nice drag pulling red. He measured 25" I think. So now I had two real good reds to weigh in...just needed another fish and hopefully a pig at that!

    On the way back out I saw my pig...just not the kind of "pig" I needed.

    Went to hit up a couple drains to see if I could get a flounder to play with along the inter coastal. Saw a "flounder looking" spot and a barge was a couple minutes away. Took a dead shrimp and placed it in front of the drain, waited on the barge, and then the tide got sucked out when it passed. After the bait was moved say ten yards it was picked up by a spec. I'll take it!

    Boxed him and now it was 2:00. When I read the rules for heavy stringer truly I just glanced at the rules. My mistake as I thought it was a three fish weigh in. Needless to say when I showed up at weigh in and discovered it was a five fish weigh in I had that duh feeling and my wife gave me the stink eye. Oh well. My three fished weighed in I think at 14.2 or 14.8 I don't remember but that's a heck of a strong three fish in my book!

    Fun weekend and had a ball teaming up with my wife Lara for the tournament.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    That ain't Ralph the swimming pig!Great report Brad!


    • #3
      Thanks for the report.

