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  • 8/20-21

    A buddy and I absolutely crushed the trout yesterday morning in the surf. Took the boat around SLP and fished in front of Pointe West beach club about a gut farther than the waders could get. There was a line of bait as far as you could see and the trout were all over it. Most trout were 18-19", but did catch one at 4lb 23". I was throwing a Super Spook and Bill was using his fly rod. Saw most waders catching too.

    Came back to eat and get the wife and kids. Went back to the same spot after lunch and they were still there. With the wife and 8 & 5 year olds, I was baiting hooks and taking fish off more than anything. On the way back, stopped by the old shrimp boat wreck and caught some sharks, which entertained the kids.

    Tried to do the same thing this morning, but the surf was way too sporty. Ended up wading behind Bird Island. Had a couple blowups but didn't land anything.

    Way more fun yesterday!!! Now to the West End for some chow and beers...

  • #2
    Great report, What Flies was Bill using? How big/many sharks did ya'll catch


    • #3
      Nice! The kids sounded like they had a blast!
      Resident Ninja


      • #4
        He was using a chartreuse and white clouser with a 1/0 fly. He fished it pretty far down in the water column.

        We caught a bonnetthead and two blacktips. All were under 2'. The kids loved it.

