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SLP w/ jocues 8.20.11

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  • SLP w/ jocues 8.20.11

    I had the good fortune to partner up with jocues Saturday to do some wade fishing at the pass. Now many of you know that Chocolate Bayou and Chocolate Bay have been my stomping grounds for the past few years. I am still learning them both and did not have plans to venture into West Bay anytime soon. So, to have a seasoned fisherman invite me, I could not pass it up.

    We spot lighted our way from the 2004 ramp to the pass and were in the water before sun up. I need to mention that I have not waded the pass since I was 13 years old. I firmly believe that twenty years ago, I stepped on a large sting ray while walking behind my father. The sandy bottom rose up and swam out from under my feet. I never went back. Now, I am 33 years and facing a secret fear (in the dark no less).

    We hit three spots at the pass and worked tops and plastics with little luck. I did see a few smaller stringrays and all was well. At the second spot, I flopped out of the boat and started towards jocues. Then I saw the beast. A huge stingray, with a 4-5ft wingspan go airborne about 30 yards in front of me. It finished it's aerial display with a spectaculer belly flop. I decided to stay right were I was. Jocues ventured towards the edge of the bar and happened upon tailing reds. He hollered for me and couldn't pass up the opportunity. The chance to cast towards tailing reds will always outweigh the fear of a huge stingray. No redfish takers for me, but always nice to see. The outgoing tide started to pick up and we did not want to risk the boat being beached, so we headed towards Chocolate for somemore fishing.

    The fish and my legs did not cooperate with me yesterday. However, the trip was still a total success. I spent time with a fellow FWEer and overcame my secret fear of "The Pass". When I woke up this morning, SLP was the first thought to cross my mind, so that let me know that yesterday was a good day.

    My only regret, I did not get to fish with the fishing machine, Justin!

    I had a blast Jerry. Thanks for the invite.
    Last edited by buoy37; August 21, 2011, 01:26 PM. Reason: AISD grammer

  • #2
    I had a great time and looking forward to hitting the pass again soon. Thanks Jason


    • #3
      always good to see members fish & learn together, Jason is a good guy & fun to fish with.
      Today is a new day!!


      • #4
        Nice! Be positive!
        Resident Ninja


        • #5
          Way to go, you two! Sounds like a great trip!
          "Curmudgeon only pawn in game of life."


          • #6
            ahh you were the guy in the boat i presume where he got chased by a dolphin...... hi I'm Matt. yellow shirt in the white gulf coast.
            75% Saltwater 5% led 20 % soft plastic 99% Alcohol 500% Fish stories = the make up of an angler.


            • #7
              That was me. My name is Jason.

              A little dehydration at SLP caused a hell of a cramp in my calf. I stayed in the boat to rehydrate and let my leg calf muscle settle down.


              • #8
                Feel your pain brother I'm about 300 lbs. I can only take so much till I shed some of this weight .
                75% Saltwater 5% led 20 % soft plastic 99% Alcohol 500% Fish stories = the make up of an angler.

