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  • Poon Chaser
    thanks man... get on next time

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  • CarolinaSkiffin
    Thanks for the report. Better to get to wet a line than be stuck all day at work like me. I think the surf will be good this weekend

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  • Milkjug
    Thanks for the report, at least ya'll caught a few

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  • Explorer21
    The wind is looking good for Saturday and Sunday, which might make the surf more appealing.

    Good luck tomorrow and let us know how you did.

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  • TTU Wader
    started a topic 5-28


    GHSmacker and myself got up early this morning to see if we could get some fish before the sun came up. Pulled up around around 5:15 and hoped out of the boat and started throwing topwaters. The bite was definately not there, only one blowup between the two of us is all the action we saw. After this we hit a shoreline and still struggled . Saw some birds working so we drifted through them a few times and caught about 10-15 trout total with only 3 being keepers. Made one last wade along the south shoreline, this is when the wind started crankin and the bay got pretty rough. We didn't get any hits but did see some jacks tearing through bait. The wind is blowing N or NE (been switching allot lately) and the bay is starting to get pretty sandy/off color.

    Good news is there is some nice green water not too far off the beach, if the wind dies down hopefully it will make it to the beach by tomorrow morning.