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Flounder and trout.

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  • Flounder and trout.

    Went out after work. It was a slow incoming tide this afternoon. I was throwing live mullet again set up under a slip cork with the weight set just above the bottom. The flounder were hungry today. I caught about 7 and 2 of which were big enough for me to want to bring home. The trout bite was slow but there were some solid fish out this afternoon. A lot of pods of mullet getting tore up. I hooked into two, I cpr'd them both and decided to call it a day when the sun was reflecting right into my line of vision.

    Son of the Republic

  • #2
    Nice photos, and nice flounders.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Paul Marx
      Nice catch .Bigger bait equals bigger fish .


      • #4
        That is true for trout and reds but when it comes to flounder they don't care. They are opportunistic and will eat anything that swims in front of their face. Every year my largest flounder come on the smallest bait. I prefer smaller live mullet, and mud fish. As well as artificials when fishing for flounder. They seem to take the bait down a lot easier.

        When you go flounder fishing this fall go small and see how much more often you get hooked up and less time for the fish to take the bait down. Big female flounder are very lazy and do not like to work for their meals. The bigger the bait the more effort exerted to take the bait down.
        Son of the Republic


        • #5
          Good going! Thanks for the fishnpix.

