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Slammin Reds 4/20

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  • Slammin Reds 4/20

    I got off work early today, so decided to run a few errands and then hit the water for a few hours.

    I left BV at 4pm and headed out to the first stop. My first stop was over shell in 4' of water with bait flicking here and there and worked tops and tails for about 45 minutes with nothing to show for it. So, off to the next stop.

    The next stop was over sand/shell/grass in 3' of water. I jumped out and waded this area that I usually dont start wading until around june. Bait was everywhere so I kept wading for quite some time.. About an hour into this wade, I got slammed on top by a 26" red that was very very mad at me lol.

    This red was the only one a the stop. I made my way back to the boat and headed back to the first stop thinking that maybe they fish would be closer to biting. Didnt happen.. Slicks popping all around and could not buy a bite.

    Off to another reef. This reef is small in about 2" of water. I got close and drifted towards it with the trolling motor in the water so I could manuever around once I got too close...

    LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of bait so I was fairly confident. About 3 casts into working this reef and I hear a splash and immediately my rod is tight. I didnt get to see the blowup becuase I was looking off over the reef... Ended up being a 29+ red.. I was totally pumped with this bruiser.... I got him in, revived him and sent him on his way.. As I continued working the reef, I cast about 4 more times and had a MONSTER blowup but no fish. He totally missed it... So i cast back in the same area and SLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMM this time he didnt miss. This one was bigger than the last. A solid 31" red!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I got this one in and was thinking , Kewl I caught 2 oversized reds on this little reef. I was about to wrap it up and decided to make two more casts and then I was going to head home because I was getting chilled... On my last cast I landed near the reef and thought I saw a fish hump up... Sure enough about 5 seconds later I had one of the biggest blowups ive ever had in my life... KABOOOOOOOOOM and it was ON lol... This fish had some serious shoulders... He was going back and forth and then made a long hard run and SNAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! my rod breaks in half.. I coudln't believe it I was just sick.. The fish was still on so i eventually wore him out and got him to the net. This red was 35" of solid fish.. He bottomed my boga out, so guessing about 17#s maybe...

    I was done after that and headed home. Depressed about my favorite rod, but loving the fact that it broke the way it did. Once again, I see why I love fishing tops so much.

    Tight lines

    Capt. Thomas Barlow

  • #2
    Sorry bout your rod.. not a bad way to go though. thanks for the report!


    • #3
      Nice! Thanks for the report!
      Shut up and FISH!!


      • #4
        If a rod is going to break, it mine as well be on a huge redfish

        Good Job TB
        Last edited by Muddskipper; April 20, 2010, 09:24 PM.


        • #5
          Glad you found em Thomas.....Great report!
          Everything God does is right, the trademark on all his work is Love. Psalm 145:17


          • #6
            A good day of fishing... good report.
            They like shiny spoons...


            • #7
              Wow Thomas exciting! Sorry about your rod I'm sure it was your baby.
              We are West End Anglers, a saltwater tribe!


              • #8
                Now that is a great report, thanks for sharing.
                LIVIN THE SALT LIFE


                • #9
                  excellent report Thomas! thanks!
                  Captain Glenn Stevens
                  Coastal Guide Service


                  • #10
                    Great report,better to break on a fish than a truck door,a clumsy foot,drunk friend,oh well good day.


                    • #11
                      Great report!Bummer on the rod
                      Beer,its not just for breakfast


                      • #12
                        nice report
                        the fishing was good,it was the catching that was bad.


                        • #13
                          those are BIG fish my man! Losing the rod to big fish is kinda like dying during sex...if you gotta go...


                          • #14
                            great report!


                            • #15
                              Great report. Nice to know they're taking tops now

