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First Lutes Tourney of 2012 // 2.25.2012

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  • First Lutes Tourney of 2012 // 2.25.2012

    Here is my take on the first tourney. I set my alarm for 3:55am and woke at 8:00. We launched at Lutes and were on the water by 11:00am.

    The wife and I still made it out and managed to fish only two spots before we headed back in. Spot #1, goose egg. Corndog was also at spot #1 and I believe he picked up a red worth a little spending money. Spot #2 was perfect. Glass calm and quiet. We saw some bait flicking the surface and then we saw what was responsable for the commotion. A fat speck broke the surface and rolled like a whale through the bait. It's big fat belly lazily arched out of the water as the speck rose and then dove back down. I have never see a speck do that before. We chased specks in spot #2 for about one hour, but couldn't get a taker. It was time to head in for a good seat at the weigh-in.

    The highlight of the trip was the weigh-in. My old buddy ShallowSport68 made it out with his son. I finally got to meet Gulfcoast13, Mad Mike and Shortystillsurfs. Jocues, Dennis Strickland and Justin turned in a few. Ibtsoom was also at the weigh-in sport the FWE colors. The honorary "King of the Bayou" for the first tourney goes to txkngfish. This guy's steering cable failed and he fished no more than 200 yards from Lutes and HE STILL WON MONEY!!!!!!! Great job James!!!!! I saw corndog holding a little green from a red he turned in. At the time my wife and I signed up, there were 65 entries. Thanks to Cody and Barbara and the rest of the Lutes team for hosting the event. As always, Muddskipper, we appreciate the time you put in to putting on such a fine event.

    See you guys on the water!!!!


    P.S. The final group pic are FWE members:

    Top Row (L-R) keyhole, Mad Mike, ShallowSport68, txkngfish and Shortstillsurfs

    Bottom Row (L-R) Muddskipper, corndog and buoy37
    Attached Files
    Last edited by buoy37; February 25, 2012, 07:34 PM.

  • #2
    Not a Bad showing. 4 West End Anglers Placed.......


    • #3
      Great pics Buoy! It was great meeting you. I was pretty tired so I did not get around to meeting everyone.

      We caught a few fish but it was far and few between. Great tournament and looking forward to the next one. Maybe we can hit 100 anglers next time!!!
      KEEP IT WET..


      • #4
        Thanks for the report & pics Jason, glad to a better turn out than I expected, congrats everyone, hope to make the next one.
        Today is a new day!!


        • #5
          Great photos. Sounds like a heck of a day. Good job all.
          "Shut up and jerk your croaker" - James Fox


          • #6
            FYI to everyone......I am going to be a total camera whore this year.


            • #7
              It sucks to get sick during the week and then have to work the morning of the tourney!I'm glad to see it didn't stop Ray!I will be at the next one to win!


              • #8
                Shorty?! What are you doing with all those green backs?!
                "Shut up and jerk your croaker" - James Fox


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Jerkyourcroaker View Post
                  Shorty?! What are you doing with all those green backs?!
                  Even a blind hog can find an acorn every once in a while.

                  Got first place red.

                  If I stepped on my trout a few more times it would have paid out too.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Shortystillsurfs View Post
                    Even a blind hog can find an acorn every once in a while.

                    Got first place red.

                    If I stepped on my trout a few more times it would have paid out too.
                    That was a hell of a red. Great Job!
                    KEEP IT WET..


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by buoy37 View Post
                      FYI to everyone......I am going to be a total camera whore this year.
                      Just make sure you wear your medium shirt you won...
                      KEEP IT WET..


                      • #12

                        Man I thought that was you. Next time throw a rock at me or something . Would have like to have bs'ed with ya!


                        • #13
                          nice job still wish i was there but i cant fish everyone of them..... spent the day working on the truck.
                          75% Saltwater 5% led 20 % soft plastic 99% Alcohol 500% Fish stories = the make up of an angler.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Shortystillsurfs View Post

                            Man I thought that was you. Next time throw a rock at me or something . Would have like to have bs'ed with ya!
                            Sorry man, I was kind in a daze. I didn't get in from work from Louisiana until late last night and had to get the boat ready for the tourney. I didn't get much sleep and all the beer didn't help matters.

                            I did not even have a chance to go get my seats that I just had reupholstered. But, the seats wouldn't have helped me find the fish today, I just couldn't locate 'em. I turned a red - 3.57lbs and a 19 3/8" trout in (which neither placed, but it was a blast). Glad to see the West End guys take home some prizes.

                            I'll catch up with you soon.

                            Take care,

                            Last edited by Gulfcoast13; February 25, 2012, 08:43 PM.
                            KEEP IT WET..


                            • #15
                              Wished I could have been there! It looks like fun!
                              James, Way to go man! Sorry to hear about your boat, but way to make it work for you!
                              Jason, thanks for the report and all the pictures. I love that last one with the cash! LOL! I wish I'd been there!
                              "Curmudgeon only pawn in game of life."

