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Chocolate day trip 5-4-13

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  • Chocolate day trip 5-4-13

    Spent all day on the water this past saturday. Smooth as glass in the morning. Put in at Lutes and ran pretty much all of what is considered West Bay. Tried a few spots near the Intercoastal with no luck. Decided to run down to San Luis Pass with it being so flat. Still no luck, saw lots of birds working but no one catching fish. made the run through Cold Pass to Christmas Bay, nothing doing. By this time we were thinking it may just not be a good day. So we ran through Bastrop back up to intercoastal and fished the mouth of Bastrop Bayou snaggin a couple huge gaftop. Picked up from there and went back over towards New Bayou/Halls area. Still couldnt find anything but gaftop and sheepshead. So on the way back to lutes we decided to try a few spots up the bayou and salvage the day, and it paid off. Ended up using all of our bait. everything from reds (No keepers, largest to 18') a few good sized trout (Kept a few) and some Mangrove Snapper. Ended on a good note. Beautiful day. Even a bad day of fishin is better than a good day at work.

    Fish On!

  • #2
    Glad y'all had some fun. Getting a few keepers is always a plus.
    "Curmudgeon only pawn in game of life."


    • #3
      thanks 4 the report
      the fishing was good,it was the catching that was bad.


      • #4
        There are no fish out there, NFIC!
        KEEP IT WET..


        • #5
          Re: Chocolate day trip 5-4-13

          Originally posted by Gulfcoast13 View Post
          There are no fish out there, NFIC!
          Thank you DB
          MANVEL MOB


          • #6
            Nice to hear there are fish out there, way to go. Also nice to hear about the Mangos y'all are snagging, been a while since I have run into them.
            "Laissez les bons temps rouler"
            "Leh-seh leh boh taw roo-leh"

