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29th struggle

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  • 29th struggle

    Hit the bayou this am and landed 2-15" Trouts that were returned, 1 huge Chocogaff that slimed my leader terribly, it was returned for sure and a #3 washtub full of croakers and TR's all returned. The water was bronze colored to clear and no breeze at all with a hungup tide at full. Should have hit the surf but the bacteria scare once again bent my mind. I'm praying they come up with a vaccine or pills to whip it. In my younger drinking days we never even heard of a bacteria doing harm. Only stingrays and manowars. Maybe alcohol is the deterrent or antibodies that curbs it. Used to give our fish and geese to Dr. Merz in Alvin and he took care of all our injuries and illnesses in payment. I bet the surf guys tore em up and probably frying fish instead of hanging out in the emergency rooms.
    "Nobody's so poor that somebody can't get rich screwing 'em."

  • #2
    You remember Dr. Merz too. He delivered me back in 55. Dad told me a story about Dr. Merz. Said he saw him in town playing cards with some guys when one of them said " Dr. Merz, what do you do for a bad headache"? Dr. Merz looked at him and said I usually take a couple of aspirins with a glass of water, then he reached over and took a $5 chip from the guys pile and said " I usually get paid for my advice". Said the guy looked like he had been slapped in the face.
    Hello, My name is Anthony, and I'm a Chocoholic.


    • #3
      He help moma deliver me also during a Feb ice storm with no power. My best recollection of him is when he gave me a shot. I was young and moma was holding me down and I was screaming,kickin,pullin, bitin, anything to get loose. Finally he looked down and told me that as soon as he gave me the shot he would throw the syringe over his shoulder. That calmed me some and he stuck me and as soon as it was over he threw the syringe and it stuck in the wall behind him like a huge knife. It was the old glass type with a huge needle. It was sitting there wobbling back and forth. He looked behind him and said"well I'll be damn" and then busted out laughing along with moma. We all adored that Dr and now I judge all others to him.
      "Nobody's so poor that somebody can't get rich screwing 'em."


      • #4
        Talking about that bacteria in the water. How many times in the past have you been in Chocolate after a rain and scooped up a handful of water and tasted it to see if it was fresh or salty. Never did get sick from that, yet a friend of mine almost lost an arm to vibrio from a shrimp poking him in his finger not to long ago. Almost makes you want to give up fishing.
        Hello, My name is Anthony, and I'm a Chocoholic.


        • #5
          Sipping that water is not as dangerous as getting a cut or scratch in a more stagnant area without water flow , like a dock , launch . Ingesting the bacteria is not as bad as a puncture where the bacteria gets in your blood stream . Swallowing water is an enclosed digestive system although one with periodontal disease could get bacteria via the gum diseased tissue . Any cut , scratch inflammation after summer fishing should be looked at stat at the er and have the MD alert to vibrio as they may not have that in mind . What 24 hours and you can die .

