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11/10 NFIC at least no hungry ones

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  • 11/10 NFIC at least no hungry ones

    Took my oldest out fishing Sunday, his first time fishing salt water. He's the only one of my kids with enough sense to sleep in on weekends so we got a later start then we would have liked but we were well rested. When we got to Lutes they had no live shrimp and no idea when they would. I had a tackle bag full of goodies but I was really hoping for some fiesty shrimp. We off loaded the mighty blue canoe and packed it up. Having never been upsteam on Chocolate before mgstei1 was kind enough to share some cooridantes with me. Having places to zoom into on Google earth really helped me get the lay of the land. The plan was to motor upstream to a certain point I picked out , then drift back and stop and fish anything interesting. On the way up I was pointing out drains, structure and anything noteable to my son. A nice peaceful cruise up the bayou later and we arrived at a grassy shoreline that was pretty active. While pointing out the wakes and boiling bait to the boy it struck me that perhaps we should get some lines in the water. We settled on gulp shrimp under popping corks and proceeded to get ignored like the fat girl at prom. Whatever they were busting in the grass was clearly much tastier then festively colored plastic. We fished for quite a while before moving on to simular results elsewhere. At the end of the day Tyler caught some grass and I caught the trolling motor and a pole. Despite the uncooperative fish it was a nice day on the water with good company and it turned out to be a very nice place to take the canoe. I'll definitely bring the next kid in the fishing rotation, next time decent weather coincides with a day off.
    When I grow up I want to be, One of the harvesters of the sea. I think before my days are done, I want to be a fisherman.

  • #2
    Always a good day to get on the water when you can especially with the little ones. Better luck to you next time.


    • #3
      They just weren't eating what you were offering. Happens all the time.
      "Curmudgeon only pawn in game of life."


      • #4
        Fun read . Good to hear you got out with your son . How old is he ?


        • #5
          I take my kids on a similar rotation. I come home more often with stories of snagged grass and playing in the bait bucket than with stories of full stringers. I get dejected and my wife reminds me that it is about time spent and not about fish caught. I'm glad my wife is so smart.

          Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
          "Shut up and jerk your croaker" - James Fox


          • #6
            So true .


            • #7
              Nice to see you get out there with the kids, that is the most important thing. Try throwing some live shrimp under a popping cork next time, Chocolate is a great live bait area. Heck, everything eats live shrimp
              LIVIN THE SALT LIFE


              • #8
                Ty is 10 and a new stepson to me. Good kid, craves the attention he never got from his sperm donor. Trying to make as much impact as possible before hormones kick in and he's off in derpyland for a decade or so. My son is 8 and he'll be next up for fishing. He's been before but I'm not much of a fisherman so we can usually see plenty of fish but rarely get a hook in any. The two boys are so competitive it'll be fun when we're all out together. I do get dejected by getting skunked but fish are definitely not the primary goal, just a fun and tasty excuse. Got a 6 year old girl and a 3 year old boy but no interest from them yet. Hoping uncle sam feels fit to give me back some of my money this year so I can finish up the boat and not have to leave any willing deckhands behind. Tried three people in the canoe once and never again. Very pleased with the area we went, especially being so close to home it saves a fortune in fuel. We'll be out there as often as possible, hopefully with some live shrimp next time. At least then if we have a rough day we can relax afterwards with a nice shrimp cocktail.
                When I grow up I want to be, One of the harvesters of the sea. I think before my days are done, I want to be a fisherman.


                • #9
                  Okiller, nice post and sorry no fish!! Since the deluge we got a week or so back and cooler, everything has changed. Those are producing spots and have been for years!! Next time give Lutes a call on the baits, as its rare they were out and I went out yesterday morning with a full pint. With my grandkids (under 10) I always use dead bait shrimp that are peeled and for sure something will bite. I do the same with my rig so as not to intimidate them. The older ones I let them go full out with whatever.
                  Lots of good places also downstream of Lutes. Just more boat traffic between them and the 2004 Bridge and also Barges and they will throw a wake. Deeper water also but lots of guts, drains, flats, and reefs.
                  You need coordinates let me know.
                  "Nobody's so poor that somebody can't get rich screwing 'em."


                  • #10
                    take a cast net and catch some mullet, best bait for the bayou.
                    the fishing was good,it was the catching that was bad.


                    • #11
                      Dead shrimp is the key to keeping kids coming back. They'll catch something at least and that's all they want. As mine have gotten older they've grown out of the bait phase and moved into artys. I've kind of let them adopt the quality over quantity thing on their own. I still throw a pack of shrimp in the boat when they go though just in case we need to make a stop on the way in and salvage the day for them.
                      Shut up and FISH!!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Ibtsoom View Post
                        Dead shrimp is the key to keeping kids coming back. They'll catch something at least and that's all they want. As mine have gotten older they've grown out of the bait phase and moved into artys. I've kind of let them adopt the quality over quantity thing on their own. I still throw a pack of shrimp in the boat when they go though just in case we need to make a stop on the way in and salvage the day for them.
                        He never does that for me..

                        Curmudgeon only pawn in game of life.
                        "Curmudgeon only pawn in game of life."

