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Nice Morning!!

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  • Nice Morning!!

    Concentrating on the flatfish and boated 3 small ones barely next to slot. 2 on plastic and 3rd on shrimp. Connected with small red early on. Then the trouts moved through and I was too stubborn to follow the birds and the trouts.
    Went to my winter deep hole and caught one of the flounder on plastic in the sand flat leading up to the hole and ran through the pint catching some nicer specs. Even tried a shrimp looking plastic and sped up the retrieve and caught 2 dinks. But about 0930hrs the winds came up and then they really came up and my ears said go home.
    I did, but in the morning I may try the Dike again and give the plastic up to the rocks and hopefully a limit of flatfish.
    That's my goal before Christmas!!
    "Nobody's so poor that somebody can't get rich screwing 'em."

  • #2
    Flat fish on plastics, who would've thought!


    • #3
      Good luck, bro! Winds supposed to howl the next couple days but hopefully not.

