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Thursday Evening Report

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  • Thursday Evening Report

    Got down to my favorite spot in The Pass about 30 yards bridge side of where the SLP Pier used to stand at about 6 PM. Waded on out to the edge of the second gut (any further is over head high). The conditions were just like I like them in May at that spot; ie: early evening, gentle outgoing current, southeast breeze, good water (although today a little more clarity than I prefer). Threw a gold spoon 45 minutes to no avail. Decided to drive over to the surf at the Treasure Island Bulkheads. Water was quite a bit more rough than I prefer there and also far more clear than I would prefer (for specs). Tied on a silver spoon thinking maybe I could snag a Smack or two. Standing on the edge of that second gut the swells were coming in close to head high, so after about 30 minutes I decided to go back to the pass. Went back to my original spot and threw a plumtreuse assassin for a while then back to a gold spoon but still nothing. Then decided to try the bayside of the bridge about 20 yards from the bridge. The tide was pretty low, but wading out from there, I was in over waist deep water after about 12 yards from the shore. I finally caught one very fat 21" spec at around 8 (on a gold spoon). Continued to fish about 20 more minutes with no results and then called it a day. Getting ready to fillet the girl and saute her in a little butter for a supper of fish and some sliced homegrown tomatoes. Not fishing tomorrow, but plan on being somewhere before first light Saturday morning (either somewhere on Bryan Beach or maybe in the pass)