Got off work thursday night and left the med center around 1130. wanted to try a few things for sheepshead so I bought some frozen mussels and bay oysters. Get to galveston to find uncle bucks closed and every other baitshop for that matter. Angered, I made my way to seawolf to fish the pilings. The bait guy "just left". no shrimp for me! note: scallops come off the hook just by looking at them, and mussels are not that much better. Managed to cath some bait. Nothing special caught there. left around 6 to go get bait. I get a quart expecting a full day of dunking corks. In the surf by 7ish. first cast, 18-20" speck. Im thinking "this is exactly what Ive been needing! a monster day!" well the monster must have been the Pixar kind cause that was the only one worth noting. Had my brothers truck so I bolt down to slp for that late am tide. waded the flats. Zilch. didnt see anyone catch anything. Decided to fish under the bridge for some sheepies. just managed a few good sized croaker. but had 2 real good hits/runs. Decide to go to sportsmans. tied up a little double drop and fished near that broke *** pier. 1 real good run. a few more croaker and whiting. then BAM! hauled in another trout maybe 20-21". called it a day. Wish all the time and effort paid off, but 4 nice fillets went down nice...and so did a six pack of Busch