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Most memorable wade

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  • Most memorable wade

    A few years back my brother in law entered him and myself in a southwestern bell company fishing tournament on a saturday with the weigh in at noon. We planned our strategy and set out for san luis pass to fish the surf for our big trout on an early incoming April tide. There was about 30 entries and biggest and heavy stringer was the pay out. It was more about bragging rights as he worked in alvin with some ardent anglers, I personally had no dog in that fight other than enjoying myself and competeing as I worked construction buiding and trades. After one keeper trout for him at the pass and me with a empty stringer, we left and headed for skyline drive at the Texas City dike. It had been raining a lot the prior week and it was his contention that all the fresh water runoff from the rains would drive the trout down the shorline to that 7 mile fence and they would stack up in that area. We got there about 9:30 and the tide was pushing in. He's about 6'4" and wasn't long he was armpit deep throwing his silver/chartreuse Johnson sprite spoon as I was throwing a 28 mirrolure casting low above the water to keep the lure from balloning up in the stiff southeast wind. About my third cast I got a birdnest backlash although I managed to get the lure out about 40 yards. As i was picking out the backlash my line got tight and I reeled in a 20". He was about 100 yards from me and I was trying to get within talking distance to communicate. I caught another 9 trout every cast never having time to get that backlash taken care off as I reached him. I asked him how he was doing and he anwsered he had a couple good ones. He asked me what I had and I told about 10 or 11. I tossed him my 28 and tied on an 11 and caught trout all the way back to the rocks and started culling out my do-nut keeping my best ten. He ended up with the winning stringer with my lure and I placed second. All in good fun. Exceptional day!

  • #2
    the fishing was good,it was the catching that was bad.


    • #3
      KEEP IT WET..


      • #4
        Good story, thanks..

        "Shut up and jerk your croaker" - James Fox


        • #5
          Great story.
          "Curmudgeon only pawn in game of life."


          • #6
            Thanks, Gentleman. Althougth I personally have nothing against x-boxes and computer games I thought it was time to get back to fishing.


            • #7
              Cool story

