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Wanna Trade?

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  • Wanna Trade?

    Anybody wanna trade a teal hunt for a dove or hog hunt?

    Unless we get about 12 more inches of water and a few thousand more teal in the next few days, I wont be able to teal hunt this year.

  • #2
    I will trade the hunt but can't guarantee a kill!


    • #3
      You sound like me!

      My Buddy just checked the small rice we had about 500 - 600 on it this evening. Im gonna watch it in the morning. Never know with them dadgum birds. We have had 5,000 plus in a field and two days befor season the weather changes and they all leave.


      • #4
        Do you know if the farmer will flood again before they cut it? I don't know how that works.


        • #5
          They don't flood again before they cut it. They drain the fields to give heads of rice a little time to 'dry' before they cut it. Then they cut as fast as they can for 2 reasons- Before a hurricane comes and lays down the grain and so they can get to deer hunt in the fall. (I worked in the rice fields in high-school) The rice farmers I worked for like to dove and duck hunt, but they would never hold up a harvest to make the 'bird hunting' better,,,,


          • #6
            True dat. We were told no second cuts due to priceof water. They are bailing rice stocks on more than half the propery but flooding it again for second cut on the other half of the rice fields. Only one piece of property holds signenficant numbers for us. Luckily they are still filling it. Saw a few groups this morning passing thru on my way out.............

