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Robalo are you ready?

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  • Robalo are you ready?

    At Examiner.com™ we help you excel personal finance, boost income, invest wisely, travel smart, reach financial freedom faster, and enjoy life on a budget.

    So Big Guy, are you prepared?

    Robalo + preparation = 97 cases of beer and a box of Slim Jims.
    West End Anglers - You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

  • #2
    bring that **** on Texas will **** them up......
    75% Saltwater 5% led 20 % soft plastic 99% Alcohol 500% Fish stories = the make up of an angler.


    • #3
      If politicians gave a poop about the US, they would tell these activist groups to go to hell. Unfortunately, most politicians in CA have "taken on their cause" as a means to keep their elected positions.

      All those mexican groups, La Raza and MEChA in particular are raising the hopes of mexicans. They lead their constituents to believe that US citizens are P***'S and don't stick up for themselves. Little do the members of these groups know; American's are itchin' for it. While it may take them 5 years to start a revolution, we could finish it today.

      If immigration wasn't so political in the US, we could have the borders closed tighter than a bulls *** in fly time and buses on a one way ride across the border in 24 hours. Wouldn't be hard


      • #4
        I honestly hope they do start something because maybe then the govt will get off their asses and see the borders are a major fucking problem. For the record i have nothing against hispanics some of my friends are Hispanic but to be here and talk **** about taking part of america constitutes terrorism and treason if they are U.S citizens and they should be dealt with accordingly even if its to be shot behind the chemical shed.
        75% Saltwater 5% led 20 % soft plastic 99% Alcohol 500% Fish stories = the make up of an angler.


        • #5
          My fiance's entire family is from El Salvador. I have nothing against hispanics at all. Its not about ethnic racism at all. If the Canadian's were here causing the same problems, I'd be against Canadians.


          • #6
            Yeah, it would be just like the Iraqis throwing rocks at our boys when We are driving tanks. Just get You some Julio!


            • #7
              What chaps me about these leeches is their constant whining about "immigration".
              Its not immigration.......its ILLEGAL immigration where the rub is.
              West End Anglers - You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


              • #8
                What do you call two mexicans playing Basketball? Juan on Juan


                • #9
                  Bring it on and i will film the next Taco Bell commerical and call it the Reel Run for the Border!That group LaRazais right here in Texas i'm asshamed to say!


                  • #10
                    Idiot Obama caters to these groups -it is BS but they as US citizens have same rights to say whatever as you and me- acting on it is different though-quite Unamerican though- I bet Obama thinks like La Raza! Immigration is the problem- look at Janet Nopolitano-she didn't even "get" Perry's letter saying do your job botch-dumbass beotch.
                    "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.


                    • #11
                      As a Beaner my self, I don't have to think twice on what side I will be on. Someone let me borrow a scope & 308. Cowards better wear a uniform. The war will never happen, they cant even support them selves much less a war. Wait, maybe you will be able to buy ammo and firearms with the lone star card.


                      • #12
                        My guns are loaded!!!!!!!!!!!!
                        the fishing was good,it was the catching that was bad.

