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This ticks me OFF

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  • This ticks me OFF

    sittin' here watchin' the Olympics, PreSidEnT Obama does a campaign commercial, in essence saying that a free market capitalist economy is responsible for the mess we are in.

    NO, YOU IDIOT! Two hundred years of free market capitalism is what made this country great. The gradual infiltration of liberalism and socialism into our country is what put us in the mess we are in. And 3.5 years of YOUR policies have just about sunk us. We the middle class have GOT to wake up and understand that BHO is NOT our friend.

    In a free market capitalist economy, it is the CONSUMER (me and you) that has the power and the freedom that goes with it. In a socialist economy, it is big government that has the power and controls the freedom. I don't need any steenkin' biG BroTheR tellin me what is good for me.

    So the national media and the euro-crowd want a Ko0L president. Sorry, you can have your cool hollyw00d crowd, but 4 more years of Ko0L in politics is gonna kill us.

  • #2
    Thank you, I agree, how's the fishing going?


    • #3
      the Fishin' is going good. Learning the bay and the techniques and catchin some fishes is an exciting time. Even though the current prez sux, I am still extremely blessed to live in the good ol' US of A... where we can still disagree with the government and not have a jackbooted government thug knocking on my door at 2am.

      So how you been, KW?
      Last edited by Little Boat; July 30, 2012, 10:27 PM.


      • #4
        I think we have had enough of Obama! He did offer us change! BUT I did not think it was going to for the worse!!


        • #5
          Could have said it better myself ! ! ROMNEY ! NO MORE BARRACK HUSSEIN OBAMA ! And honestly feel lile almost anybody could do better than that piece of chit if i had my was it would be Ted Nugent for prez!


          • #6
            Obama reminded us that anyone that built a company did so because the Gummint, not because they worked 60-80 hours/week, took severe financial risks and found a niche that provided success. Just look at Obama-he never has held a private enterprise job and merely was a leech living off taxpayers' money his entire career so HTF does he know anything about BUSINESS? So yes, he's a freaking expert on the economy-he has "lived it first hand" by building successful businesses himself-NOT!!! He is a DEMOGOGUE-HE PREYS ON THE IGNORANCE OF THE AMERCIAN VOTER (AND ILLEGAL ALIEN VOTERS). HE IS THE "MOST IGNORANT MAN IN THE WORLD" says the XX Equis man.
            "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Robalo View Post

              Obama's phiLosophy:

              1. Simply being born in America (or getting here as fast as you can) should guarantee you a great life and financial security.

              Rebuttal: No, being born in America gives you the opportunity for a great life and financial security. It's not a guarantee, you have to work at it.

              2. Good decisions and hard work shouldn't be rewarded. Poor decisions and sloth should be rewarded.

              Rebuttal: When you take away the incentive to do the right thing and work hard, why would anyone work hard? Heck, let's just all live off the gubmint cheese, sitting around on our a__ and making bad decisions.

              3. Everyone deserves an equal share of the pie, regardless of their input into the system.

              Rebuttal: Why would anyone be a pie maker when you have to give your pie away for free? The problem with socialism is that it kills incentive to strive for excellence.

              4. America should be a "Fun Fair Positive" Country without winners and losers.

              Rebuttal: Just like the kids who play in the soccer leagues by the same moniker, we all know that winning and losing is a fact of life and trying to hide that fact is a joke. Blurring the line between winners and losers crushes self esteem. Winning and losing inspires greatness from both the winner and the loser. Blurring the distinction creates apathy.


              • #8
                I like these kind of post, i like reading what Robalo has to say lol
                Karma's a beach.

