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Are you a RACIST?

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  • Are you a RACIST?

    Say you are a caucasian. If a caucasian said they were voting for Romney because he is white, is that caucasian a racist/bigot? My answer would be "YES"-anyone that votes based on a candidate's skin color is a RACIST/BIGOT!!!

    Don't you agree?

    If you agree, then approximately 50% of Obama's Voter Bloc are BIGOTS and RACISTS!!!

    Is that what US Citizens want for POTUS? A man elected to the Office because RACISTS voted him in power? That alone is enough to make me vote AGAINST Obama, especially since he himself plays the RACE CARD every chance he can to gain votes. He has no morals. He has no class. He is a demogogue preyiing on the ignorant public and RACISTS.

    Vote the RACIST out of OFFICE!!!
    "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.

  • #2
    How do you explain Obama receiving 95% of the black vote then if color didn't play an issue?


    • #3
      I'm a racist so I ain't voting for either one. lol.


      • #4
        Yes, but alot of his previous voters have not yet gotten all the things he promised. Deep down inside they know that he is not the man to bring the economy and the country back to greatness. Yet, they will still vote for him in November because of several things... his skin color, his "coolness", his "stardom", because he is "hip", cuz he does the "fist bump", etc.


        • #5
          Originally posted by JbVenable
          He's a face introduced to the sheep of the country to either:

          1. Praise for all the success of the U.S.
          2. Blame for all the failures of the U.S.

          Thats my opinion anyway. It seems like the president's purpose is to just distract everyone while he makes his rich buddies richer. Republican, Democrat... whatever. I dont think color really played an issue in his votes. He's 1/2 and 1/2. He just appealed to a wider group of people by lying successfully.
          I took the liberty of highlighting your response. I absolutely disagree with the statement that "...don't think color played an issue in his votes.".

          I have seen over and over people on You Tube, Newscasts and in the Newspaper, people stating they are voting for Obama because he is Black. I strongly believe many "whites" voted for Obama in 2008 because they "did not want to be considered racists by not voting for Obama"-I personally know several friends and family members that based their vote on such idiocy.

          Peggy Joseph is a prime example of a Racist as she so aptly evidenced in the Press. Further, the Media recently touted that using Ancestry.com, Obama's ancestor's were tied to an early slave family; thereby appealing to the Racists. Personally, I haven't a clue as to my ancestry, nor do I care-it means nothing in today's Melting Pot, unless I was trying to prove that I had black ancestry or white ancestry or should be the next Duke of Earl (ha ha). It it obvious in today's elections, that playing the Race Card benefits Obama by obtaining votes because he is "black". His own website has a section solely devoted to "African Americans" and is styled "African Americans for Obama". I consider myself an AMERICAN-A US CITIZEN, not a "White American" or an "Anglo Amercan", -just an "American". His comment regarding Trayvon Martin was purely a racist remark and also encouraged a schism between white and black, regardless of the fact that Zimmerman was also of Hispanic origin and the POTUS Administration as well as the DOJ did nothing to condemn or take any action against the New Black Panther Party placing a "bounty" on Zimmerman, so please do not tell me Obama does not do all he can to get black people to vote for him solely because he appears to be black. Obama certainly used ACORN as his launching spot to Politics and made "promises" to the people he dealt with through ACORN to get them a more socialistic country since many were merely welfare scammers using the system to keep from working yet receiving your tax money for doing nothing to benefit Society in any way. I am sorry, Obama is a RACIST and uses every chance he gets to make a racially divided country and preys on ignorance (racists) for votes-the abundance of evidence proves that.
          Last edited by Robalo; August 22, 2012, 11:30 AM.
          "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.


          • #6
            Im racist ... I hate EVERYBODY! ! LMAO Its true though wat u said but the blacks dont feel like they are ever racist cause they vote for a black guy but if i vote for a white and not a black im racist. I personally dont care wat so ever wat color race gender u are if u are saying and gonna do the right things then u will get my vote! ALMOST NOBODY COULD DO AS BAD AS OSAMA I MEAN OBAMA HAS !


            • #7
              I'm not voitng for the racist.
              KEEP IT WET..


              • #8
                Well said, Robalo.


                • #9
                  If a black person does not vote for the white person then the black person is not a racist.
                  If a white person does not vote for the black person then the white person is a racist.

                  If either the black person or the white person vote for anybody but the white person during this particular presidential election then both the black person and the white person are just fucking idiots.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by JbVenable
                    I would still call him an opportunist over a racist. I think he'd sell out any race to achieve his goals. I dont know anything about politics, dont really care to. I dont know anything about slave history, dont really care to. Dont know much about my own history, dont really care to. Dont know much about catching fish either. If Obama could put me on some fish in Chocolate, I may vote for him. I just think he told everybody what they wanted to hear and they voted for him. Then now he does whatever. Thats about how I saw it playing out. But thats about how I always see it playing out. I still think the president is a puppet controlled by a panel of puppetmasters.
                    Great post!!!! But the Puppetmaster seems to be the HIIC (Head Idiot In Charge) although the "Puppetmaster" himself plays the Puppet sometimes (see Jeffrey Immelt of G.E. and how he played Obama with the Stimulus Money that GE took and used for overseas investment).

                    No one can put you on fish in Chocolate-there is NFIC!!!! Dangit!

                    BTW, loved your highlighting. For GW Bush's reading, I put it below in "code" that Obama can't figure out.

                    ssa skcus amabO
                    "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.


                    • #11
                      I'm watching this ************ on tv right because he's at canyon springs h.s. In Las Vegas. Ryans FIRST visit after being named GOP vp candidate was Las Vegas. They ALL have made numerous trips here. Every other tv commercial here is an Obama/Romney or Heller/Shelly Berkley Ad.

                      Does that tell you how close both sides think the election will be; to come to a little small State like Nevada time and time and time again?

                      I can't believe that there are so many stupid people.....oh yes I can.

