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  • Benghazi

    My blood boiled today reading the idiotic comments on MSN.com regarding the FACT that Petraeus and the White House KNEW that it was a terrorist attack and continued to LIE about it for weeks. Sheit, they even knew the attacks were imminent and did nothing.

    FACT: Obama and the White House knew the attack was terrorists and did nothing to prevent it.

    FACT: The White House and Obama blamed the GD Movie for the attack.

    FACT: The White House covered it up to prevent harm to Obama's campaign, even at the cost of 4 US Citizens lives.

    PROBLEM: Obama should be indicted for the cover-up.

    PROBLEM: Many US Citizens defend Obama and the lies. WHY?

    I want to know why anyone would defend Obama and his Administration for the failure to provide requested security forces and then lie about the attack. I don't care if it was Obama, GW Bush, the Easter Bunny or Joe Crackhaid-the ISSUE is a complete failure to act, to protect US Embassies and US Citizens and a cover-up.

    Any Obama supporters here want to tell us why you defend Obama's actions (actually, lack thereof)?

    Why in the name of God, can people not see what the Administration failed to do and then cover it up and the idiotic "citizens" posting comments say in effect "get over it, the Repubs lost" and "it is time to support Obama". Bullshit, that is not the issue-it is the same as Watergate and Nixon, Clinton and Lewinsky-it is about lying to the US Citizens and failing to take action when impending attacks are going to happen. WTF is wrong with "people" that are so GD blind and stupid? It makes me want to spit on every Obama supporter for their ignorance, stupidity and blindness to ignore what in my opinion is an act against the USA-to me, Obama's failure directly resulted in the 4 deaths-nothing else. How can any US Citizen believe otherwise? Please enlighten me with your reasons?
    "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.

  • #2
    Jerry you know as well as i do the general public is more interested in a sex scandal then some American servicemen losing there life over this.sad.

    the general is just to detract from the real story as well as the film maker being jailed on probation violations.


    • #3
      I do not have an answer.I am totally confused how this man can get away with the crap he does.I think every lawmaker in washington have lost their back bone and balls not to stop this nonsense.I think Pelosi has lost hers too.
      Beer,its not just for breakfast

