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  • #31
    Originally posted by Robalo View Post
    My Campaign Slogan will be: "A Fish in every Cooler (right next to the cold beer)"
    After all these years of the same old stuff, you would win on that slogan alone.
    Live every week like its shark week


    • #32
      I'll express my opinion on all matters at the voting booth, just like the rest of you.......but I'll say this.....no matter who's elected, I'm gonna support them as long as they have America's best interest at heart and not the interests of some left or right wing nutjob who's only interest is getting elected next term. That's why I praise Elizabeth Warren and David Vitter (two politicians who could not be further apart ideally) as the take on the "too big to fail" greed factories and hedge fund managers on Wall Street. We need more like them.
      Captain, Galveston County Blue Team Fish Killers
      "Fishing Guide"-A person who contributes to the delinquency of a liar.


      • #33
        I hear you bro! But David bitter is no Elizabeth Warren. Hell I like her more than Hillary.


        • #34
          Originally posted by H.Maier View Post
          I won't. Hillary time!
          Sorry Harvey, no fish in your cooler next to the cold beer!!! Maybe you can buy an old Playboy that featured Jennifer Flowers and send Hillary a pic of Jenny with your campaign contribution!! Personally, I'd write in a vote for Monica Lewinsky before I'd vote for Hillary-at least Monica was smart enough to save her sperm stained dress that helped move the impeachment of Clinton forward; whereas, Hillary just blames others-like some movie-for some of the terrorism in this world-especially in Benghazi.
          "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.


          • #35
            But Robalo, if elected you wouldn't be like the rest of the politicians making promises and not delivering right? Plus that's kind of a democratic ideal - giving away fish and such. I just bought a 36qt cooler but don't wanna go catch them myself. You'd have a lot of people expecting free handouts....NO MULLET please.
            Live every week like its shark week


            • #36
              Originally posted by Robalo View Post
              Sorry Harvey, no fish in your cooler next to the cold beer!!! Maybe you can buy an old Playboy that featured Jennifer Flowers and send Hillary a pic of Jenny with your campaign contribution!! Personally, I'd write in a vote for Monica Lewinsky before I'd vote for Hillary-at least Monica was smart enough to save her sperm stained dress that helped move the impeachment of Clinton forward; whereas, Hillary just blames others-like some movie-for some of the terrorism in this world-especially in Benghazi.
              Jerry, if you were serious about running I'd fade the heat and vote for you post haste. I know you're not serious or you would already be mayor of jam beach.


              • #37
                "If you like your gafftop you can keep your gafftop!"
                At his baptism, Sam Houston was told his sins were washed away. He reportedly replied, “I pity the fish downstream.” - Nov. 19, 1854 - Independence, Texas


                • #38
                  nothing will change until the civil war starts. wont be long before it does the way things are sounding.
                  the fishing was good,it was the catching that was bad.


                  • #39
                    Don't shoot me Danny. You know I'm a pacifist and only fight with my dukes. Honey hole is warming up, time to go get 'em.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by SurfnFish View Post
                      But Robalo, if elected you wouldn't be like the rest of the politicians making promises and not delivering right? Plus that's kind of a democratic ideal - giving away fish and such. I just bought a 36qt cooler but don't wanna go catch them myself. You'd have a lot of people expecting free handouts....NO MULLET please.
                      Under my administration, no hair allowed-all must be bald-so your request for NO MULLETS is granted.

                      As far as my ideals-I never said I'd give ya a fish or a beer-just like the Liar at 1600 Penn -he didn't deliver on "Hope and Change" so don't believe what ya hear on the Media (unless it's Fox). I will say that I wouldn't allow PETA to halt fishing or allow fish moratorium areas, but I certainly would require their models to always be nekkid and no "fur". I also don't like Soros, Kaiser or Buffet (except the buffet at Golden Corral aint the worst food in the world) and would require the leftist radicals to adopt the Baby Mommas illegitimate babies since they're so bent on saving the world-they can start by taking a welfare baby off the welfare rolls. I would eliminate ethanol gas and give a tax CREDIT equal to a boat's purchase price for any boat bought by a fisherman with a valid fishing license and would repeal all alcohol taxes and increase taxes on Cough Syrup (Purple Drank) which would by far offset the loss of alcohol tax revenue. As far as healthcare, I would make Unions pay triple what the rest pay since they are responsible for the election of Obama-all others can choose and do what they feel they need, but failure to pay due to no insurance would cause a tax audit by the IRS. I would make a flat tax rate for all-so the 53% that don't contribute to lowering the Deficit will help lower it. The Congress would be subject to IRS audits annually and have no special treatment whatsoever. Lobbyists would be outlawed. Guns would be available to anyone that was not a Felon or on welfare or been in a psych ward/hospital or lives with "mommy" and is over 23 y.o. (something's wrong with ya if still living at home at 23). Illegals would be arrested and put on hard labor chain gangs with rice, beans and water and would fix potholes, lay concrete for roads and work for 24 months before being deported. Terrorists would be tried and quickly shot by firing squads with poor eyesight so they die slowly and painfully. Hillary Clinton, as I stated before, would be Ambassador at Benghazi with 3 security guards, each carrying a single shot .410 and will be under the Barney Fife Rule-one bullet/shotshell. Ha Ha.

                      Send $ to me c/o The Sand Bar-denote on it "For Jerry's Tab". THANKS!!!
                      "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.


                      • #41
                        Waiting on the "Jerry for Ducking President" bumper stickers in the FWE shop. Coe?
                        At his baptism, Sam Houston was told his sins were washed away. He reportedly replied, “I pity the fish downstream.” - Nov. 19, 1854 - Independence, Texas

