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Wendy Davis is a Lying POS

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  • #31
    "Nobody's so poor that somebody can't get rich screwing 'em."


    • #32
      Originally posted by JT View Post
      LMAO...you cant REALLY believe that .. do you?
      He's saying that of the 3.3 million that voted, in Texas, for Obummer, about half have already sent $10 to Wendy. How likely is that? Do these 1.2 million voters even know who she is? (doubtful).

      Naw, she's drawing lots of out-of-state money in the futile attempt to make Texas Democratic.

      Here's some back-up (but note, on the map, blue means the Romney vote):

      Detailed state-level election results in the state of Texas for the 2020 Presidential General Election.

      Edit: 84,704 x $50 = $4,235,200, that's hardly 85% of 12 mil.
      At his baptism, Sam Houston was told his sins were washed away. He reportedly replied, “I pity the fish downstream.” - Nov. 19, 1854 - Independence, Texas


      • #33
        Don't be afraid, Texas used to be and will return democrat. Just a matter of time.
        Yep, 85% gave that much but there are rich democrats that give more. In state or out of state. 8 million voted in 2012 out of 26 million total population.
        Good site you put up there Oleander but go to the State Polls and see how the dems have gained since 2012.
        Bottom line, Wendy Davis has a great chance of being governor.

        Im done.
        "Nobody's so poor that somebody can't get rich screwing 'em."


        • #34
          Then that would make her the 2nd white trash slut to be governor am I correct? Ann Richards once went to a Costume party dressed up as a used tampon. 1st class.


          • #35
            Originally posted by boom View Post
            Democrats will not be happy until Texas is as successful as California, Illinois and Michigan. Just a bunch of locust that go where there is thriving business that have the capital to fund their BS agenda. Once the state has been destroyed and the money is gone they will move on.
            No truer words have been spoken!!! Anyone that would believe the crap they feed is beyond hope. Heck I'm all for giving California to the Progressives for they own country and see how well they do.
            Pro Staff - Bounty Hunter Turbo Buzz, Creme Lures, New Pro Products, & K9 Fishing Fluorocarbon


            • #36
              Originally posted by Termo View Post
              DEWHURST FOR GOVERNOR IN '14!!!!!!!! (1914). I'll be glad when Texas moves into the 21st century.
              Lmao. Remember when ole annie was governor. Texas was as close to Cali in economy as we could ever hope to be and third or fourth nationally in educating our children. Now we're 48 in education but with brilliant academics like bush and perry, what would we really expect.


              • #37
                Well I'll grant you that our education system needs work as does that of the whole dang country, but you can thank those progressive minded folks for most of those troubles!

                As far as economy, California was once the 5th largest in the world and in good shape until the Granola (fruits, nuts and flakes) Progressives took control. Today they don't even rank and are all but bankrupt, so that is what you want for Texas? You vote for folks like that Golddigging, Self Important Tramp Wendy and that is where we will be at in no time flat. When are you folks going to wake up and see it is all the changes that these so called Progressives are making that are putting us in the chitter.
                Pro Staff - Bounty Hunter Turbo Buzz, Creme Lures, New Pro Products, & K9 Fishing Fluorocarbon


                • #38
                  Right on Brothers! Let's vote in Slick Rick's clone (Dewhurst)! I DARE all of you to open your eyes....our governor makes Christie look like a choirboy. The Chronicle (hardly a liberal rag) runs comics on the antics and dealings of Perry almost weekly and his shady appointments and back room deals with his political friends and donors. Just Google "Friends of Perry Comics" and read about your wonderful conservative governor. Oh....BTW, Wendy may have turned her back on her kids (she didn't) but Perry turned his back on YOURS!!!!
                  Captain, Galveston County Blue Team Fish Killers
                  "Fishing Guide"-A person who contributes to the delinquency of a liar.


                  • #39
                    we don't need any women in politics period! LOL
                    the fishing was good,it was the catching that was bad.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Termo View Post
                      Right on Brothers! Let's vote in Slick Rick's clone (Dewhurst)! I DARE all of you to open your eyes....our governor makes Christie look like a choirboy. The Chronicle (hardly a liberal rag) runs comics on the antics and dealings of Perry almost weekly and his shady appointments and back room deals with his political friends and donors. Just Google "Friends of Perry Comics" and read about your wonderful conservative governor. Oh....BTW, Wendy may have turned her back on her kids (she didn't) but Perry turned his back on YOURS!!!!
                      Gross...is termo related to MG?


                      • #41
                        Has this thread gone on too long like the others??
                        Shut up and FISH!!


                        • #42
                          lock it!
                          the fishing was good,it was the catching that was bad.


                          • #43
                            I'd say so.

                            Curmudgeon only pawn in game of life.
                            "Curmudgeon only pawn in game of life."


                            • #44
                              Too soon

