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2014 Race for a US Senator to Represent Texas

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  • 2014 Race for a US Senator to Represent Texas

    With early voting starting next week (Feb 18-28th), I feel the need to bring attention to this race. John Cornyn showed his true colors last week when he voted to "leash" Ted Cruz on filibustering the debt limit increase. I don't live a life full of debt and I don't want a Senator that votes against debt (because he knew it would pass anyways) and then vote AGAINST the one tool (an eminent filibuster) that could hopefully delay the debt increase.

    Then you have Steve Stockman in the race. As far I can tell, he is running on name only. I don't even know why he is on the ballot.

    I see one person on the ballot that is working hard to "rally the troops", DWAYNE STOVALL. Google his name. YouTube his name. I like what I hear and I like what I am reading about him. Forget about party affiliations for a minute and just listen.

    I value ALL of your opinions and would like to hear your thoughts on such an important race.

  • #2
    They all say whatyou want to hear to get elected. Dem or Repub. If you really want to know whatthey are about just follow the money! Ted Cruz is a joke, a shyster lawyer whowill sell this country to the highest bidder as soon as he gets the chance. Don’tbelieve me just look at who some of his clients use too be and like alwaysfollow the money that got him elected.


    • #3
      I'll be the first in line at the Galveston county court house next week. Won't take long, only got to pull one lever.


      • #4
        Originally posted by H.Maier View Post
        I'll be the first in line at the Galveston county court house next week. Won't take long, only got to pull one lever.
        I didn't think you could do that in a primary. Someone has to be chosen for November's general election.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Off_shore_man View Post
          They all say whatyou want to hear to get elected. Dem or Repub. If you really want to know whatthey are about just follow the money!.
          Sad, but very true.


          • #6
            H.maier...you gonna vote a straight party ticket in the democratic primary?


            • #7
              Only if I like one more than the other. I'm mainly going to kill your vote.


              • #8
                You'll have to wait till a November election to do that. I'm still interested in knowing how you vote a straight ticket in a primary. Is this some sort of a new ACORN strategy?


                • #9
                  Since it's just a primary, i'll probably just go fishing. Who you voting fer?


                  • #10
                    Maxey Scherr will get my pick out of the 5 Dems race for Senator.

                    The TPers like Stovall don't have a platform to change and improve anything. That's the definition of a conservative anyhow to remain with the status quo. Anything to disrupt and bad mouth their own party members and of course any democrat.

                    If, and I gag and need JT's puke bucket when I say this, he would be my pick if I was that far gone to be a TPer and believed in their principles and agenda.

                    Good pick there Buoy37 from a TPers perspective. Your choice in Bourbons and TP candidates are sound and true.!!!!

                    Anyone hit the brine waters today ?
                    "Nobody's so poor that somebody can't get rich screwing 'em."


                    • #11
                      From what I see traveling the county observing yard signs and billboards the repubs are trying to out T bag each other for the same office. It's a war zone out there, I tell you. Me and termo still got sore arms from Choco the other day, recuperating.


                      • #12
                        Wind is terrible here in Cow Town so I can imagine the bay. Hopefully next week either late or early day. Gonna see this PM what time the wind lays some or if it does and check daybreak also. Like to see an outgoing either time and the rotten dead shrimp tails bait from the bubble barrier to the bridge, on bottom, in the channel. Wind is mostly not a factor there other than an annoyance so ear plugs will be worn.
                        Go Deep, and knock the bottom outa of it!!!
                        Kinda like what the 2014 races will be !! Gotta turn Texas a Mardi Gras Purple this year!!!
                        "Nobody's so poor that somebody can't get rich screwing 'em."

