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Nancy Pelosi and Illegal Immigration

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  • Nancy Pelosi and Illegal Immigration

    Damn this stupid administration and the democrat party leadership are demigods. I bet Nancy solves this problem!
    “The humanitarian crisis unfolding across our nation’s southern border demands Congress come together and find thoughtful, compassionate and bipartisan solutions,” Pelosi said. “We must ensure our laws are fully enforced, so that due process is provided to unaccompanied children and the safety and well-being of unaccompanied children is protected. We must also work to address the root causes of the problem.”

    She's so used to double-talk, that she doesn't even probably realize that she answered her own question about the "root cause" in the sentence before.

  • #2
    The lead headline on Drudge Report this morning with her pic was:


    If that don't scare them to the Panama canal, nothing will.


    • #3
      Hey Nance how about YOU adopt a few of these "children" and take them home with you.
      What's that? Not gonna happen? What does NIMBY mean?
      West End Anglers - You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.


      • #4
        Maybe the welfare rancher in Nevada will send some of his militia down to the Texas border for some target practice. Hell they're damn good at killing cops.


        • #5
          Originally posted by H.Maier View Post
          Maybe the welfare rancher in Nevada will send some of his militia down to the Texas border for some target practice. Hell they're damn good at killing cops.
          That's typical stupid lib rhetoric, and has absolutely nothing to do with this topic. Try and keep up.
          "GET OFF MY REEF!"


          • #6
            Originally posted by kenny View Post
            That's typical stupid lib rhetoric, and has absolutely nothing to do with this topic. Try and keep up.
            No,thanks. No need to.


            • #7
              If anyone needs "facts" about the Immigration policies under Barack Obama and how he has enforced immigration in general I will be more than happy to send you plenty of PM.
              Not something from conservative talk shows or Faux news. But facts.
              Also, we are ALL waiting on our wonderful House Of Representatives or the "House OF NO" to take up the Senate bill that has passed the Senate 1 year ago with comprehensive immigration reform by a bipartisan agreement. Wake up Boehner.
              Senate “Gang of 8” Immigration Bill (S. 744) Anyone remember ?
              I've kept up with the issue. As have many who actually give a sheet instead of the pointy finger and blame game.
              "Nobody's so poor that somebody can't get rich screwing 'em."


              • #8
                Originally posted by mgstei1 View Post
                If anyone needs "facts" about the Immigration policies under Barack Obama and how he has enforced immigration in general I will be more than happy to send you plenty of PM.
                Not something from conservative talk shows or Faux news. But facts.
                Also, we are ALL waiting on our wonderful House Of Representatives or the "House OF NO" to take up the Senate bill that has passed the Senate 1 year ago with comprehensive immigration reform by a bipartisan agreement. Wake up Boehner.
                Senate “Gang of 8” Immigration Bill (S. 744) Anyone remember ?
                I've kept up with the issue. As have many who actually give a sheet instead of the pointy finger and blame game.
                I thought the Senate was the "No" group. If it's not his idea, it doesn't make the floor. Both groups aren't worth crap AND it's All political and Not what's best for the country.

                Sent from my iPhone


                • #9
                  The bill was Bipartisan and passed the senate. Sure its political as its always been. Best system in the world.
                  Its kinda funny as the House says no to everything, so the president does something, and then they complain and want to sue him for not doing anything or what they envision is the wrong thing. I laugh every time I think about it.
                  Here are the members who pressed the Bill and got it passed. 68yea,32nay.
                  SCHUMER(D), MCCAIN(R), DURBIN(D), GRAHAM(R),
                  MENENDEZ(D), RUBIO(R), BENNET(D), FLAKE(R)
                  "Nobody's so poor that somebody can't get rich screwing 'em."


                  • #10
                    I hope everyone knows Nancy is a screwball regardless. So I say these children made it across our border illegally this far that we take them back to the River and point the way back south . If they made it this far a lone they can make it back . Give them a jug of water and a McDonald's happy meal . If someone helped them here they can help them back after crossing back over the river . There are LAWS as to how to enter the country . Enforce the laws we have in place to protect our borders. CRIMINY , it's simple . Of all the dang things the Feds waste our money on , they can allocate funds to beef up border guards and security .


                    • #11
                      If you want plugger I'll send you the facts on immigration the last 5 years concerning the number of border agents and deportations or if you are really interested I'll go back to the rights saviors years of Reagan who wanted and pushed amnesty. These are children needing help and their families have abandoned them.
                      It is not simple and the problem has been going on for 40 years or longer. Doing nothing is not an option any more.
                      Pelosi exploits them also with her vineyards. She aint no saint and neither are the over 500 members of our Congress. Aint none of them without fault. Sheet on all them, and I want some of my tax money to go and help them.
                      "Nobody's so poor that somebody can't get rich screwing 'em."


                      • #12
                        You can school me on the last 5 years on the immigration issue . I'm ignorrant about that . All I know is that these children who need help made it from central America or Mexico and had the resources to do so . Let Mexico or their home countries help them . We have enough people with their hands out who are citizens . Are we to support every multi thousands of foreigners who illegally enter our country ? We cannot sustain them . We are broke ... Zillions of debt and interest we can't pay . Just printing money to cover it . If we loose our reserve currency status it will crash our currency . Russia and China are working on that .


                        • #13
                          Better yet...Uphold the current law(s) on the books .. Which the current administration ignores! That's all the facts I need. Pick and choosing who is deported doesn't count for me.

                          Sent from my iPhone


                          • #14
                            Do you know the current laws on the books ?
                            If you do let me know which ones ? The following is what I know about what our President has done, either with the laws or against. I don't know.
                            We have 20000 border agents now. Twice the number of 10 years ago. Highest amount in history.
                            We have record high deportations now. 400,000 deported in 2011, almost twice as many as 5 years earlier.
                            In 2008 he okayed law enforcement sharing fingerprints of immigrants.
                            He is pissed about long waiting periods for legal immigrants taking years to process, with only 140,000 green cards issued to workers and only 7% from any 1 country.
                            In 2010 he was approached by immigration activists for deporting so many immigrants.

                            Obama is ready to sign the senate bill but the house needs to at least vote on it before the end of this year, or it goes in the trash.
                            Can he do more ? Executive action is his only path, he has the constitutional right, especially if what Plugger, and Kenny are correct in what Immigration is doing to our country and to protect it.

                            But the head of congress says he aint no king and has therefore brought suit against him using our tax money to fund it.
                            And congress has a 7% approval rating. He's damned if he does and damned if he don't.
                            "Nobody's so poor that somebody can't get rich screwing 'em."


                            • #15
                              The only one that counts is you cross the border illegally, you broke our laws and you should be deported. I don't need a Harvard Degree to understand that one. Secure the borders.., increasing number of personnel does nothing if you don't let them do their job. Explain that with real facts and I might listen. Have a great day.

                              Sent from my iPhone

