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Obama: GOP to Blame for Economy Problems

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  • Obama: GOP to Blame for Economy Problems

    Ok, so Obama blamed Bush for the economy during his first four years in office and now he blames the Republican led House of Representatives. If Bush was to blame before, WHY is Obama not to blame now? Hum?
    Also since the House is 1/2 of 1/3 of the government, exactly how do they control anything? The only conclusion is that the President really doesn't matter, since the House is running the show.
    In reality NO Legislation from the House can get even on the floor of the Senate, or to a vote because Harry Reid won't allow it. It's been SIX YEARS it's Obama's economy.

    On a side note, can anyone show me a case where President Bush blamed anyone in our government for anything. How about mocking the opposition?

  • #2
    President Bush says nothing about anything. He's busy teaching Rick Perry paint by numbers art.


    • #3
      This is what happens when you elect a Kenyan (that has never even had a job) to run a government.


      • #4
        Originally posted by JT View Post
        This is what happens when you elect a Kenyan (that has never even had a job) to run a government.
        That coyotes in his inbred POS mofo kinfolk and should be doing a 'job' he is qualified to perform, such as a male prostitute (I understand he had some practice at it).
        "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.


        • #5
          [QUOTE=H.Maier;306355]President Bush says nothing about anything. He's busy teaching Rick Perry paint by numbers art.[/QUOTE

          Yeah, why make paintings after your presidency, when you can "cash in" making speeches like Clinton and make 100 million dollars. Oh wait, they are "not that well off". Remind me again what other recent President used their office to increase their personal wealth. Can't think of any? That's because NONE HAVE.
          "GET OFF MY REEF!"


          • #6
            Originally posted by H.Maier View Post
            President Bush says nothing about anything. He's busy teaching Rick Perry paint by numbers art.[/QUOTE

            Yeah, why make paintings after your presidency, when you can "cash in" making speeches like Clinton and make 100 million dollars. Oh wait, they are "not that well off". Remind me again what other recent President used their office to increase their personal wealth. Can't think of any? That's because NONE HAVE.

            I can't wait for Jennifer Flowers to be brought up again-once Hellary starts her campaign, large numbers of women will come forward asking for 'quiet money' and they will expose the entire Clinton family as nothing but self-serving, lying, crooked, dirty fiends.
            "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.


            • #7
              Originally posted by H.Maier View Post
              President Bush says nothing about anything. He's busy teaching Rick Perry paint by numbers art.[/QUOTE

              Remind me again what other recent President used their office to increase their personal wealth. Can't think of any? That's because NONE HAVE.
              LBJ.....no wait! he cashed in WHILE he was president ( see old ownership of NASA property)...


              • #8
                Originally posted by H.Maier View Post
                President Bush says nothing about anything. He's busy teaching Rick Perry paint by numbers art.
                Beats the sheet out of being a lying POS demagogue that uses race baiting for vote getting. Or being under impeachment?

                I'll take a PAINTER over a TRAITOR any day of the wekk.
                "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.

