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Let's hope this is a victory for the Constitution

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  • Let's hope this is a victory for the Constitution

    It's been a looooong time since I had much hope for our future, not since the 80's really. Tonight I think I see a tiny ember burning. Let's hope that this isn't yet another crop of self serving derelicts who pay nothing but lip service to the Constitution. I hear people saying that paying lip service is better than purposely circumventing, disregarding, or outright pissing on the Constitution. Hard to disagree with that, but it's sad what things have come to. I rarely come down here to vent my personal politics, but I felt the urge to do so tonight. The Constitution is our foundation and the vision for our future must come from the intentions of our Founding Fathers. If we disregard the dreams of Madison, we will surely live out the warnings of Adams, Washington, Franklin, and Jefferson, that a republic will only be what we have as long as we DESERVE it. We haven't deserved it much lately.
    From 1970-1997, true heaven on Earth existed on the banks of Bayou Cook. "Hey Dad, Thanks for buying the Camp."

  • #2
    ....agreed. It seems that the Word of Law has been trampled all to heck and they could care the less about the Constitution.


    • #3
      Originally posted by coachlaw View Post
      It's been a looooong time since I had much hope for our future, not since the 80's really. Tonight I think I see a tiny ember burning. Let's hope that this isn't yet another crop of self serving derelicts who pay nothing but lip service to the Constitution. I hear people saying that paying lip service is better than purposely circumventing, disregarding, or outright pissing on the Constitution. Hard to disagree with that, but it's sad what things have come to. I rarely come down here to vent my personal politics, but I felt the urge to do so tonight. The Constitution is our foundation and the vision for our future must come from the intentions of our Founding Fathers. If we disregard the dreams of Madison, we will surely live out the warnings of Adams, Washington, Franklin, and Jefferson, that a republic will only be what we have as long as we DESERVE it. We haven't deserved it much lately.
      I agree it has been trashed but it has been trashed since its signing. Hamilton and Jefferson both brought us the division we have today and mostly the two party government still exists that they started with their disagreements.
      The Constitution is just a frame for our governing body. Lots of leeway because it is so simple and with no examples written in or guidelines on any subject. To me, our future has always been strong and Americans always step up when things go sour.
      That ember or bonfire has always been there for me.
      The biggest flagrant misuse to me is the Congress not "declaring war" on all these little skirmishes and campaigns that we get ourselves into. WWII was the last one we "declared war".
      The Executive Orders that can be given by a sitting president has always been questioned. But that's in the Constitution also and I have a hard time with lots of them that come out. I don't believe anyone likes them.

      The question is now after yesterday, do we have a mandate for huge change or will it be the same ol same ol and nothing getting done to help the American people ?
      "Nobody's so poor that somebody can't get rich screwing 'em."


      • #4
        Why don't the American people simply just help themselves? That's what Ive always tried to do.


        • #5
          Originally posted by mgstei1 View Post
          I agree it has been trashed but it has been trashed since its signing. Hamilton and Jefferson both brought us the division we have today and mostly the two party government still exists that they started with their disagreements.
          The Constitution is just a frame for our governing body. Lots of leeway because it is so simple and with no examples written in or guidelines on any subject. To me, our future has always been strong and Americans always step up when things go sour.
          That ember or bonfire has always been there for me.
          The biggest flagrant misuse to me is the Congress not "declaring war" on all these little skirmishes and campaigns that we get ourselves into. WWII was the last one we "declared war".
          The Executive Orders that can be given by a sitting president has always been questioned. But that's in the Constitution also and I have a hard time with lots of them that come out. I don't believe anyone likes them.

          The question is now after yesterday, do we have a mandate for huge change or will it be the same ol same ol and nothing getting done to help the American people ?

          The "nothing" that has been sitting on reid's desk for 6 years will now go to presbo to be veto'd. Are you talking about that?
          "Nobody's so poor that democrats can't get rich screwing 'em."


          • #6
            Yeah that's it! 50 times voting to repeal Obamacare! The veto pen is warm and ready.
            Heard also our fine Texas senator Canadian Cruz will not accept McConnells lead for the Senate!!
            Same ol same ol is gonna keep going on. Sad but true!
            "Nobody's so poor that somebody can't get rich screwing 'em."


            • #7
              I know its sad for you, but Obamacare wont be around 3 years from now


              • #8
                I guess that now mr m will crawfish about the will of the people.
                "Nobody's so poor that democrats can't get rich screwing 'em."


                • #9
                  Originally posted by JT View Post
                  I know its sad for you, but Obamacare wont be around 3 years from now
                  Not me, I'll be on Medicare and I will be upset if the GOP messes with it or SS. And they will.
                  I however believe there are lots of Americans with pre existing conditions losing their coverage, families with college kids losing theirs before they turn 26, and of course the poorer Americans now having to go back without it or back to Medicaid.
                  Plus, there are 2 more years for more Americans to use the ACA which will build more support for it. The GOP will have to be real tender to mess with some of it, much less all of it.
                  "Nobody's so poor that somebody can't get rich screwing 'em."


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by boom View Post
                    I guess that now mr m will crawfish about the will of the people.
                    The will of the people is ALL of the people, not just the GOP voters. The progressive agenda is real popular with lots of Americans so its up to me and other progressives to get the word out and sign more people up to vote and then get them to the polls.
                    I'll be looking at who all voted in my precinct between the total and who and how many on the party votes.

                    Funny how some of the referendums on Cannabis, guns and abortion came out. And even here in Texas, the GOP wants to rob from the rainy day fund and build some roads, which if they had been listening to Barry, he would have helped Texas without taking from the rainy day fund. Sometimes its just hard to figure what people do and want.
                    "Nobody's so poor that somebody can't get rich screwing 'em."


                    • #11
                      "The will of the people is ALL of the people, not just the GOP voters."

                      Now it's all of the people... seems like that was not the message before last night.

                      The majority of "The People" spoke last night and did it very clearly.

                      Sent from my iPhone


                      • #12


                        • #13
                          Barry wouldve helped Texas out??

                          The money he wouldve "helped" out Texas with is Texas money to begin with that was sent to the feds from Texas.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by JT View Post
                            Barry wouldve helped Texas out??

                            The money he wouldve "helped" out Texas with is Texas money to begin with that was sent to the feds from Texas.
                            Oh yeah! And the whole election last night was about wanting the Republicans to "work with" the dims.
                            "Nobody's so poor that democrats can't get rich screwing 'em."


                            • #15
                              Pinched from dos frios................


                              This is a very small list of what happened last night.....


                              Republicans now have every congressional seat for Arkansas for the first time in 141 years

                              100% of Newly Elected GOP Senators Campaigned on Repealing Obamacare

                              Joni Ernst Wins Election, First Woman to Represent Iowa in US Senate

                              Wisconsin’s GOP Gov. Walker Wins Re-Election

                              Climate change supporters suffer losses

                              Oregon voters reject licenses for illegals; immigration a losing issue for Dems in 2014 elections

                              Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/...#ixzz3IDZYAyeX
                              Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter


                              George P. Bush, Greg Abbott Win Big In Texas

                              Gov. Deal defeats Democrat Jason Carter to win second term

                              Democrats Sink to Pre–Great Depression Levels in State Legislatures

                              Hollywood Reeling From Bitter Election Defeats
                              Wearied by partisan warfare, many women desert Obama's Democrats
                              MSNBC: IL GOV RACE ‘REAL BLOW TO PRESIDENT OBAMA’

                              Bill Clinton—Useless in Arkansas
                              Tim Scott wins US Senate race and is 1st black to win statewide in SC since Reconstruction
                              "Nobody's so poor that democrats can't get rich screwing 'em."

