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The Results Of Sharpton's Race-Baiting

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  • The Results Of Sharpton's Race-Baiting

    Al Sharpton needs to be discredited and vilified (and arrested) by Americans of all races, for the race-baiting POS he is. I believe that Obama is also culpable in the murder of 2 NYC policemen, since Sharpton
    frequently visits him at the Whitehouse.

  • #2
    Al Sharpton went into an appliance store and got enraged when he noticed that all the washing machines were white . An appologistic salesman said that was true , but , lifting the lid he said , " but all the agitators are black " .


    • #3
      .....go to Drudge Report and read some of the tweets some jackwagons are posting up and congratulating the shooter. Too bad they don't post up their addresses!


      • #4
        Interestingly enough, one of the officers was Latino, and this seems to be percolating up trouble between them and the black minority in NYC.
        "GET OFF MY REEF!"


        • #5
          What a total mess !we need another Bush in office someone with a pair!!!! Pisses me off to no end what this POS Is doing to this country.
          MANVEL MOB


          • #6
            Yep, just what we need, another Bush. Since the last two did so much greatness for all of us.
            Blaming Obama and Sharpton for what went on is insanity as the shooter was a thug or a mental case or cold hearted killer plain and simple.
            "Nobody's so poor that somebody can't get rich screwing 'em."


            • #7
              Originally posted by mgstei1 View Post
              Yep, just what we need, another Bush. Since the last two did so much greatness for all of us.
              Blaming Obama and Sharpton for what went on is insanity as the shooter was a thug or a mental case or cold hearted killer plain and simple.
              No it is not insanity to blame the parties that throw fuel on the fire. Obama should speak about calmness and letting courts/justice decide outcomes, instead that worthless GD POS race baiter makes idiotic comments like his 'son' could have been Trayvon Martin and Police are militarized-he focking gave em the **** to have-while taking away Border patrol weapons. I wish he was back in Kenya eating dog with his welfare teat sucking Aunt and the rest of his tribe-where he GD belongs. You need to wake up and open your eyes and maybe even your mind. Happy Kwanza-you should go have stuffed dog with Obama and Sharpton-I understand the eyes are considered a delicacy-maybe it would open yours.
              "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.


              • #8
                What does the murder of an Asian American and an Hispanic American police officer have to do with race baiting?
                "Curmudgeon only pawn in game of life."


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Robalo View Post
                  No it is not insanity to blame the parties that throw fuel on the fire. Obama should speak about calmness and letting courts/justice decide outcomes, instead that worthless GD POS race baiter makes idiotic comments like his 'son' could have been Trayvon Martin and Police are militarized-he focking gave em the **** to have-while taking away Border patrol weapons. I wish he was back in Kenya eating dog with his welfare teat sucking Aunt and the rest of his tribe-where he GD belongs. You need to wake up and open your eyes and maybe even your mind. Happy Kwanza-you should go have stuffed dog with Obama and Sharpton-I understand the eyes are considered a delicacy-maybe it would open yours.
                  Being liberal I hear nothing but understanding and kindness from Barry.
                  A thug is a thug, no matter what they or who they are.
                  "Nobody's so poor that somebody can't get rich screwing 'em."


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Curmudgeon View Post
                    What does the murder of an Asian American and an Hispanic American police officer have to do with race baiting?
                    This is police baiting. I agree with Mudge.
                    At his baptism, Sam Houston was told his sins were washed away. He reportedly replied, “I pity the fish downstream.” - Nov. 19, 1854 - Independence, Texas


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Curmudgeon View Post
                      What does the murder of an Asian American and an Hispanic American police officer have to do with race baiting?
                      The killer was killing police. The fact that the two officers were minorities is a real irony. The president attacked the grand jury system, undermining our court system, and fueling the minority communities hatred of the system and the police. Sharpton's directly involved in ginning up the level of hate and violence.
                      "GET OFF MY REEF!"


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Curmudgeon View Post
                        What does the murder of an Asian American and an Hispanic American police officer have to do with race baiting?

                        I guess that I really should point out that your question is an obvious non sequitur.
                        "GET OFF MY REEF!"

