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Poor Console Users.....

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  • Poor Console Users.....

    ....wonder how many kids got up early this morning to open their presents to find an XBOX or PS3/4 and jittery from excitement hooked the things up, only to find that they couldn't get online? Takes some real jackwagons to DDos both the Sony Playstation network as well as the Microsoft network on Christmas Day don't ya think! A handful of kids that go by the online moniker "The LizardSquad" were responsible it seems.
    There has been a battle between the "good" hackers and the bad guys going on for two days now. Online some are saying it was the dastardly North Koreans going after them for allowing the streaming of "The Interview", but that's not the case. Couple of kids in the UK, Canada, and the good old USA are behind the outages on both networks. Of course, you would think that the IT guys at both companies would know how to filter out the bad requests going to the servers well before they were overwhelmed but I guess not!
    On the bright side I would imagine the kids got to spend some quality time with their Families while they were waiting for the "Unable to Connect" message to change to something else.

    Isn't there some kind of LAW against this kind of stuff?
    If anyone knows who to call I have some information I gathered this afternoon like names, addresses, home and cell numbers, IP addresses, where they are either employed or go to school, whose name their internet accounts are in, etc I certainly would like to share to help take those that ruined many a kids Christmas down for the count. Heck, one of them was arrested on December 7th...got out...and was back up to the same thing that got him arrested in the first place!!


  • #2
    For the Fed's - P.I.'s - Agents looking for information on LizardSquad, have a look at http://www.lizardsquad.info as we update it daily.


    • #3
      Put them in ankle bracelets under house arrest until they devise a security system with counter measures for the company .


      • #4
        Seems to me from my news sources, the dastardly north Koreans and rooty poot puty are catching all kinds of greif these days with their threats to the west. Meanwhile, my kiddos x boxes and Ds games are working like a champ. Don't care for goofy movies but i'll see " The Interview" just because I can.


        • #5
          Or just tell me where to find them. I will f'ing kill them. I have zero tolerance for that kind of BS and I have zero confidence in any law enforcement agency's ability to do anything about it.

          Anegada, BVI (N18° 44.683' W64° 24.133')
          Houston (Clear Lake City)


          • #6
            Originally posted by H.Maier View Post
            Meanwhile, my kiddos x boxes and Ds games are working like a champ. Don't care for goofy movies but i'll see " The Interview" just because I can.
            ...good to hear Harvey! Seems the servers for both are up and down again today and biggest issues seem to be with the new systems. By the way, just watched "The Interview"here myself. Free links are out there.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Walker View Post
              Or just tell me where to find them. I will f'ing kill them. I have zero tolerance for that kind of BS and I have zero confidence in any law enforcement agency's ability to do anything about it.
              ...."Walker", I have there verified DOCS and would post them here, but don't want anyone to think I am a "hacker" or anything like that and don't want to get banned in case it gets someone upset. The Interwebs are a wonderful thing as you can find out anything about anyone....especially if they cause the kind of damage to kids having a decent Christmas.
              The kid in the UK was visited this morning by the constables and they were too uneducated to know that he dumped any evidence on his PC that they might have been looking for. He bragged by posting a picture off his camera on his laptop.

              Not to worry Walker.
              He then sent out a private message via twitter to please leave him alone as he had as he put it "I QUIT". Seems since his Dad,Mother,Sisters,Grandparents....cell phone numbers were dox'd he all of a sudden
              decided to say he was sorry.

              Want to see what's going on with these "Jackwagons"?

              Check this out.....



              • #8
                ....before anyone thinks they are getting hacked from the link in the above post here is the company link that provides the one above.


                • #9
                  Cool links Rocky!
                  "Curmudgeon only pawn in game of life."

