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The Fruit of Multiculturalism

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  • The Fruit of Multiculturalism

    Almost a decade ago Angela Merkel described multiculturalism "as a failed policy". The attack yesterday in France is the latest example of that "failed policy" and the naive belief of the left, that if we're inclusive and nice, people who hate us and want to kill us and destroy our culture, will be nice and not do that.

    It's political correctness run amuck, that I believe, is a form of National suicide. Interestingly, if you appose this rush of lemmings over the cliff, you are branded with any number of words and phrases describing you as unhinged at best, and more likely a member of a xenophobic, islamophobic, Neo-Nazi hate group. Here's a quote from an article I read this morning. I find it astonishing that this practice even exists. Think it won't happen here?

    "“There are no-go areas not just in Paris, but all over France, where they are effectively in control,” said Robert Spencer, who directs JihadWatch.org, a nonprofit that monitors Muslim extremists."

    Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/...#ixzz3OEFAhKBC

    Our collective inability to face reality, combined with millennials and others inability to "judge or pass judgement" and make the hard decisions, will destroy out great Nation.

  • #2
    plus Ayatollah Obama wants to open the immigration door to more of these terrorist scum-it aint just folks south of the Border he wants in-he wants his terrorist buds here blowing up sheeeet. If they do, I hope they start with his family and friends-you reap what you sow.
    "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.


    • #3
      France and most of Europe has brought all their problems on themselves by allowing that (censored) a foot hold in their country a long time ago.

      And the USA is right behind them. Of course, youll have a lot of liberals (see MG and others) say that they have just as much right to be there as anybody else blah blah blah until a first hand experience changes that sentiment; like its going to do with all the people in France that sit passively around.

      Sorry bastards ought to all be rounded up and deported or mass hung.


      • #4
        No offense to anyone but this liberal's perspective after buying gas with water in it, being told my lottery ticket is not a winner when scanned, 7.95 for a pack of marlboro's , rigged gas pumps, etc. When I walk into a convienece store and see who's behind the counter, I make an about face and purchase nothing.


        • #5
          .....been going on a long time in France. Back in 1978 when we docked in Marseilles we were treated as heroes. Seems there was a French comic series where the avengers of wrongdoing sailed and flew off the USS Forrestal. At any rate, once we got off the ship I remember there being Gendarmes(Police) at the entrances to the "Muslim" quarters making sure that no one off the ship entered those areas. We were told in no uncertain terms that if we went in there that we would in all likelihood would never be seen again. Same story in Tunisia back then.


          • #6
            Originally posted by H.Maier View Post
            No offense to anyone but this liberal's perspective after buying gas with water in it, being told my lottery ticket is not a winner when scanned, 7.95 for a pack of marlboro's , rigged gas pumps, etc. When I walk into a convienece store and see who's behind the counter, I make an about face and purchase nothing.
            I feel the same hmaier. and coming from experience of being out in the field most of the time in my career, you can also throw in about 95% of all motels/hotels in rural areas.

            you need that stuff, just make the drive down to the west end marina store. theyre not like that, although they might not know how to count change.


            • #7
              Cuda the only time the French pretend to treat anyone as heroes is when they are liberated by them; or are afraid to get their asses kicked and lay down and throw flowers on their tanks like the Germans in WWll

