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Misleading Stories

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  • Misleading Stories

    I was reading the Huffpost and saw an article from Think Progress about how the Koch's want no more National Parks, and so I thought I'd look into that claim. If you read the whole article the writers skillfully conflate Nation Parks with Public Lands. NO ONE wants to get rid of National Parks.
    The Federal Government owns plenty of the US, and I believe there is absolutely no reason not to lease more of it for timber & oil/gas development.
    I wondered how much land the Feds own and found this graphic representation.http://www.economicpolicyjournal.com...overnment.html

  • #2
    The Kochs are like anybody else that works for a living. Of course they are going to demonize them because the Kochs know better and try to do something about it.

    Like Steve Wynn, Sheldon Adelson et al. That's why those guys are concentrating on Macau because the Chinese government is stable and dependable and predictable. No telling what the next thing coming down the pike here is gonna be.


    • #3
      The FEDS don't own that land or the National Parks, every citizen here owns it. And I want more Federal Parks and for all of them to be taken well cared for.
      "Nobody's so poor that somebody can't get rich screwing 'em."


      • #4
        Originally posted by mgstei1 View Post
        The FEDS don't own that land or the National Parks, every citizen here owns it. And I want more Federal Parks and for all of them to be taken well cared for.
        The Federal Government is an entity and owns that land. If you think you own part of it, then go stake out a few acres and grow some tomatoes. You want huh? All it costs is OPM.
        "GET OFF MY REEF!"


        • #5
          We still own it and that entity controls it.
          Big bad government is us, period.
          "Nobody's so poor that somebody can't get rich screwing 'em."


          • #6
            Originally posted by mgstei1 View Post
            We still own it and that entity controls it.
            Big bad government is us, period.
            Walk into Fort Knox and tell them you want your share. We own that too.


            • #7
              We own the White House too. Go bunk up with your buddy.
              Shut up and FISH!!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Ibtsoom View Post
                We own the White House too. Go bunk up with your buddy.
                Come on Mike.....if Catylin isn't there the same night it's a no go. You know that.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by kenny View Post
                  The Federal Government is an entity and owns that land. If you think you own part of it, then go stake out a few acres and grow some tomatoes. You want huh? All it costs is OPM.
                  Old Clive Bundy runs his cows on federal land for years in Nevada. Owes up into the millions back payments and gets a bunch of dumbassed fools to arm up to fend off the government for payment of leasing rights. His cattle should be consficated, and he swooped in on like David koresh.


                  • #10
                    Did that old fool ever make an effort to pay his lease like all his fellow ranchers have done all along? I think it was like a dollar an acre per year. Lmfao.


                    • #11
                      They're scared to mess with Clive. He'll kick their ---


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by H.Maier View Post
                        Old Clive Bundy runs his cows on federal land for years in Nevada. Owes up into the millions back payments and gets a bunch of dumbassed fools to arm up to fend off the government for payment of leasing rights. His cattle should be consficated, and he swooped in on like David koresh.
                        According to your buddy mgstei, he owns part of it, why should he pay to use it?

                        About the Waco raid, you do know that American citizens, men, women and children were burned alive without due process? You're Ok with that because it was a democrat president? I believe you need a new moral compass.
                        "GET OFF MY REEF!"


                        • #13
                          That was another bungling democratic president that didn't have a clue and wanted for it to be "Show Time" in Waco.

                          All they had to do was arrest Koresh when he came to town every other day, by himself.

                          Clive Bundys the same deal with them; however they didn't realize the support Clive had and backed down. You won't talk to very many people in Nevada, with the exception of Harry Reid, that's on the governments side on this one. Normal people that is.


                          • #14
                            I think koresh was another Jim Jones and my moral compass is just fine. It' s yours you need to worry about. And Clive is a biggot and a p.o.s.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by kenny View Post
                              According to your buddy mgstei, he owns part of it, why should he pay to use it?

                              About the Waco raid, you do know that American citizens, men, women and children were burned alive without due process? You're Ok with that because it was a democrat president? I believe you need a new moral compass.
                              He owns a part of it true enough but so do we and for his right to use it its my right to let him as long as he plays by the rules.
                              He don't like it, move his cows.
                              That ol buzzard needs to pay up.

                              Those Waco citizens were guilty by association and being on the same land that extremist was on.
                              Kinda like a getta way driver in a bank robbery.
                              Also kinda like the two peaks cycle gangs.
                              Kinda like Bush and Cheneys Iraq war.
                              I hated and disagreed on that but the people represented by their elected leaders put us all there.
                              "Nobody's so poor that somebody can't get rich screwing 'em."

