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Obama the Muslim traitor

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  • Obama the Muslim traitor

    In honor of the 5 MURDERED Military servicemen in Chattanooga, TN, most businesses and States flew the US and State Flags at half-mast-but NOT OBAMA - likely because it was Ramadan-anyone that believes Obama is for the USA is a complete farking IDIOT and a TRAITOR to the USA IMO. How disgusting is that little, egomaniac, demogogue.

    Story below:

    By Sandy Fitzgerald | Tuesday, 21 Jul 2015 01:17 PM

    The U.S. flag atop the White House is finally flying at half-staff in remembrance of five service members who were killed in last week's Chattanooga, Tennessee shooting.

    President Barack Obama issued an order Tuesday to lower the flag, following similar moves at the U.S. Capitol and even by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

    The president's order followed sharp criticism of Obama for failing to act sooner to honor the five service members.

    House Speaker John Boehner on Tuesday ordered the flags over the U.S. Capitol to be flown at half-staff to honor the five service members killed last week in Chattanooga

    "At sunrise, I ordered flags at the U.S. Capitol to be lowered to half-staff, out of respect for the courage and sacrifice of the five service members murdered in a terror attack in Chattanooga, Tennessee," Boehner said. "I am pleased to learn that, just hours later, the president decided to follow suit at the White House.

    "Later today, the House of Representatives will also mark a moment of silence in memory of the fallen. This attack is a reminder that our men and women in uniform are under constant threat, no matter where they serve. We will continue to pray for their loved ones, as well as take action to support those who protect all Americans."
    Editor's Note: What's Your View on Law Enforcement in America?
    Trump ordered that the flags on his U.S. properties lowered to honor the five service members killed in last week's shooting. His campaign released a statement on Tuesday criticizing President Barack Obama for not ordering American flags lowered to honor the four marines and a sailor killed in the shooting.

    Obama had offered his "deepest sympathies" to the families of those killed in the Chattanooga shootings, but did not order flags to fly at half-staff in their honor, until Tuesday.

    On Thursday, Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez, 24-year-old Muslim and an electrical engineer, fired shots into a strip mall's recruiting office, then drove to a nearby Navy and Marine center, where he killed the five servicemen — four Marines and a sailor — before being shot dead by local police. The act is being investigated as a possible act of domestic terrorism.

    Obama quickly ordered flags lowered after many of the nation's mass shootings, including after the attacks at the Washington Navy Yard, at Fort Hood, and at Sandy Hook Elementary School, but not in the wake of the latest shooting deaths involving servicemen, reports Stars and Stripes.

    "I don’t have more information about the status of the flag over the White House," White House spokesman Josh Earnest said on Monday. "I would anticipate that you'll hear the president discuss this a little bit more in his remarks to the VFW tomorrow."

    Several states' governors, though, are ordering flags to fly at half-staff, including in Tennessee, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Wisconsin, Arkansas and Massachusetts.

    Joe Kasper, chief of staff for California GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter, who is seeking legislation that will allow military recruiters to be armed, criticized Obama for not issuing the order.

    "They deserve our respect, and the significance of this event should be matched by the lowering of the flag," said Kasper. "It’s a simple gesture that will reaffirm to the military and millions of Americans that these servicemen will be rightly honored. This is one that shouldn’t take any second thought on the part of the White House."

    Republican Rep. Scott DesJarlais and Democratic Rep. Steve Cohen, along with other members of the Tennessee delegation, are also seeking orders to end a ban on service members carrying guns on military sites, reports The Tennessean.

    DesJarlais joined in the criticism on Tuesday, telling Fox Business News that he "can't imagine" why the flags haven't been lowered nationwide.

    In Tennessee, Gov. Bill Haslam ordered flags to remain at half-staff until Friday to equal one business day for each of the five who were killed.

    Meanwhile, a former Marine has issued a Facebook challenge to fly the flag at half-staff to honor the fallen Marines and sailor on the website DCGazette.com.

    "Most are fully aware of the president not showing support for our fallen and flags continue flying high in the sky," said the ex-Marine, Mike Shepard. "He invited the family of a traitor named Bergdahl to the Rose Garden to celebrate the release of our enemy. He has yet to call out the terrorist who shot up two recruiting stations in Chattanooga.

    "Well, we don’t need permission to show our respect for those five lives lost. I am reaching out to you America in hopes that we teach Obama about respect," Shepard wrote.

    He asked Americans to fly their flags at half-mast until July 30, which will mark the two-week anniversary of the shootings.

    "Let’s show the president what it is to respect this country and our fallen," Shepard wrote. "If you drive by a business, please go in and ask they fly that flag at half mast. If we get the whole country to do it, the president might get the message."

    Meanwhile, even as flags remain flying high, the Empire State building was lit up in green Friday to celebrate Eid al-Fitr, the end of the Muslim holiday of Ramadan, complained anti-jihadist Pamela Geller in a Breitbart opinion piece, another issue that has sparked complaints.

    "Ramadan is the month in which Muslims renew their devotion to Allah, and violent jihad is a supreme act of devotion to Allah," she wrote. "Wherever your sympathies may lie, the idea that the Empire State Building would turn green for Eid not a day after five U.S. soldiers were murdered in cold blood in the cause of Islam on American soil is surrender. We have indeed been conquered.

    "Wouldn’t it have been appropriate and respectful for the owners of the Empire State Building, in honor of our fallen heroes, if they had to commemorate Eid at all, to drape the Empire State Building in red, white and blue?"

    "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.

  • #2
    Robalo....if you were a Muslim like Obama, you'd be doing the same thing.


    • #3
      OMG, I am so relieved to see someone on here speak out.
      Green grass and high tides forever
      Mike Mathena


      • #4
        I'm not sure where we go from here, writing, emailing and calling our elected officials ain't doing anything. It's almost like they are leaving up to us to handle. Personally, I'm ready and willing if the fight comes to us! I'm pissed about it and it's even more upsetting that no-one is really talking about it. I'm not talking about the media, of course they're not. I'm talking about us Americans. I see people voicing their opinion on Facebook and Twitter but face to face out in the world I reckon it's not politically correct to mention the marines killed or the nuclear deal we just made. It's a sad time in America.
        I'll get off my soap box now.
        Green grass and high tides forever
        Mike Mathena


        • #5
          Maybe, just maybe there is too much emphasis put on the social media and some have come to accept it as the normalnway of communicating now and for some, maybe it is. But when one starts writing letters back and forth, one loses the actual art of communicating and observing the facial/verbal response one gets from a stated sentence. I for one think that the art of face to face communicating is becoming a lost art. Look around at the patrons at a restaurant and observe what you see. Most of the folks there are not talking or laughing, they are buried in their iPad or whatever. IMO, if you think it's politically incorrect to mention the marines or anything else in public, I feel sorry or you. Sorry or the Hijack, I'll leave now. BTW-I'm glad the congress changed the crime at Fort Hood and others from "work place violence"... which could account for the decision by the POTUS not to fly the flags at
          half mast.


          • #6
            I for one am bringing this up face to face with people. I almost slapped my foreman yesterday, he didn't know about the nuke deal, only upset that he hasn't passed any amnesty bills yet. I'm I a hard working, peace loving 46 year old blue collar PROUD American trying to raise my family like I was raised in this great country. I have never been very politically out spoken. The last 14 years since 9-11, I have been paying allot more attention to what's going on in the world. And let me tell y'all I AM FULLY AWAKE AND PISSED OFF this thug is running my country into the ground and the American people are still asleep or just plain blind. This not going to take care of itself and it might be too late by election time next year.

            I came home after hearing about the nuclear deal the other day and my youngest grandchild was over, I picked her up, hugged her tight and almost started crying in the living room. That was tough, my family has never seen a tear in my eye unless I was burying one of our dogs. I raised them to be the same. Stand strong four what you believe in and never show weakness because someone will pounce on you in that moment off weakness, I learned that from Reagan when I was a teen. Why can't we have a leader that feels the same?
            Green grass and high tides forever
            Mike Mathena


            • #7
              hmaier feels the same way deep down, so don't pay attention to him when he gets on here and replies.

              I think the only time tears welled up in his eyes tho was when Wilson threw that pick in the Super Bowl at the goal line, and he realized it was gonna be like a double mortgage payment for February.


              • #8
                Originally posted by JT View Post
                hmaier feels the same way deep down, so don't pay attention to him when he gets on here and replies.

                I think the only time tears welled up in his eyes tho was when Wilson threw that pick in the Super Bowl at the goal line, and he realized it was gonna be like a double mortgage payment for February.
                Yes sir, a lot of democrats know the truth, but they're afraid to leave that hole they've been digging for decades.
                "GET OFF MY REEF!"


                • #9
                  Originally posted by JT View Post
                  hmaier feels the same way deep down, so don't pay attention to him when he gets on here and replies.

                  I think the only time tears welled up in his eyes tho was when Wilson threw that pick in the Super Bowl at the goal line, and he realized it was gonna be like a double mortgage payment for February.
                  Lol. Here you go dragging me in this conversation. I don't have a mortgage. Paid cash for this place and thinking about selling more mineral rights to buy another. Lol. Started to buy one at Jamaica beach but surrounded by to many repubs I'd have to embarrass at the cleaning table. Sweet!


                  • #10


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by H.Maier View Post
                      Lol. Here you go dragging me in this conversation. I don't have a mortgage. Paid cash for this place and thinking about selling more mineral rights to buy another. Lol. Started to buy one at Jamaica beach but surrounded by to many repubs I'd have to embarrass at the cleaning table. Sweet!
                      Diversity isn't always bad-you aint an illegal or a Muslim Terrorist, have money to support yourself I guess since there is no Section 8 Housing in Jamaica Beach-plus you could work by cleaning fish we catch so you could afford the high taxes and water bills. Just remember, we have 25 Police for 200 houses, so likely there is some sort of city ordinance about having some sort 'service license' for cleaning folks' fish!!
                      "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.


                      • #12
                        I don't clean folk's fish and I don't like cops, especially Texas troopers, and can afford my taxes. And to me, Jamaica beach has always sucked.


                        • #13
                          Watching Morning Joe this a.m. , the Texas trooper made a u-turn to fark with the cigarette smoking driver, who later allegedly committed suicide in the Hempstead jail. Hmmm. I've had the farkers u-turn to give me a seat belt ticket coming out of the bank drive thru. I guess I should've borrowed Termo's Harley and I wouldn't have to worry about any safety precautions. One more instance of the insurance companies writing laws infringing on my freedoms. I hope they grill big badge's ***.


                          • #14
                            Girl should've watched this:

                            Chris Rock - How not to get your *** kicked by the police! - YouTube
                            Really funny video from the Chris Rock show on how not to get your ass kicked by the police.I know they are other versions of this on YouTube but this one is...


                            • #15
                              Girl stood up to the Gestapo chit head. Last time I checked, tax dollars pay their salary. A happy cop is a model cop.

