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Democrats Are Comfortable With Lying

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  • Democrats Are Comfortable With Lying

    Like I've said before, democrats lack any real core beliefs and have situational ethics. There's no right or wrong, just winning the next election. The ends justify the means. As a group they are quite comfortable with lying and being liars, even to themselves. Of course the terrorist attack in Bengazi was provoked by an obscure video. Of course Sidney Blumenthal was just an acquaintance. Of course she cared more about the ambassador than anyone else, even though she used his wrong name in an early email after the attack. Of course she wasn't aware of the 600 requests from Bengazi for more security, and on and on.
    How many times did I hear the mantra "Bush lied, and people died". Funny how that just works one way.

  • #2
    We dems would finally like to thank your party for the Benghazi committee. You guys did more to unite us than we can ever appreciate. Now the wingnuts of your party are going to establish a "Planned Paranthood" witch hunt led by another whack job (Marsha Blackburn). PP is an overwhelmingly popular organization with the women of America, even Repub women. Keep shooting yourself in the foot with the undecided and independents....we love it. Also calling ALL democrats liars with no core beliefs or morals is a good way to win over any of our party to ANY of your beliefs.....keep it up.
    Captain, Galveston County Blue Team Fish Killers
    "Fishing Guide"-A person who contributes to the delinquency of a liar.


    • #3
      Then it's true, you don't mind lying and supporting lying as long as you win an election. Like I said you have no core values except the democrat sacraments abortion
      "GET OFF MY REEF!"


      • #4
        Originally posted by kenny View Post
        democrats lack any real core beliefs and have situational ethics. There's no right or wrong, just winning the next election. The ends justify the means. As a group they are quite comfortable with lying and being liars, even to themselves.
        Funny, it seems to me that republicans lack any real core beliefs and have situational ethics. There's no right or wrong, just winning the next election. The ends justify the means. As a group they are quite comfortable with lying and being liars, even to themselves.

        Anegada, BVI (N18° 44.683' W64° 24.133')
        Houston (Clear Lake City)


        • #5
          Kenny, you don't know me or my values, so I'd appreciate it if you quit pretending you do.

          But just so you know......last time I checked, no democrat has forced ANY woman to have an abortion. I believe it's like gun ownership.......If you are against abortion, don't have one.....if you're against guns, don't buy one.
          Captain, Galveston County Blue Team Fish Killers
          "Fishing Guide"-A person who contributes to the delinquency of a liar.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Termo View Post
            Kenny, you don't know me or my values, so I'd appreciate it if you quit pretending you do.

            But just so you know......last time I checked, no democrat has forced ANY woman to have an abortion. I believe it's like gun ownership.......If you are against abortion, don't have one.....if you're against guns, don't buy one.
            Do you support Hillary Clinton?
            "Nobody's so poor that democrats can't get rich screwing 'em."


            • #7
              Originally posted by Termo View Post
              We dems would finally like to thank your party for the Benghazi committee. You guys did more to unite us than we can ever appreciate. Now the wingnuts of your party are going to establish a "Planned Paranthood" witch hunt led by another whack job (Marsha Blackburn). PP is an overwhelmingly popular organization with the women of America, even Repub women. Keep shooting yourself in the foot with the undecided and independents....we love it. Also calling ALL democrats liars with no core beliefs or morals is a good way to win over any of our party to ANY of your beliefs.....keep it up.
              "It was the Law of the Sea, they said. Civilization ends at the waterline. Beyond that, we all enter the food chain, and not always right at the top."


              • #8
                Originally posted by boom View Post
                Do you support Hillary Clinton?
                I'm gonna hold my nose and do the same thing you are probably going to do....vote for my party's candidate.....but I prefer Willie Nelson for president!!!!
                Captain, Galveston County Blue Team Fish Killers
                "Fishing Guide"-A person who contributes to the delinquency of a liar.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Termo View Post
                  I'm gonna hold my nose and do the same thing you are probably going to do....vote for my party's candidate.....but I prefer Willie Nelson for president!!!!
                  I wouldn't vote for anyone that outright lies for political gain and cover up. Especially to the families of fallen hero's. Add to that the framing and jailing of film maker that had nothing to do with the situation.

                  The premise of this thread is that democrats are willing to support candidates proven to lie to get elected and you just confirmed that you are ok with that.

                  In this case, it appears that Kenny knows you quite well.
                  "Nobody's so poor that democrats can't get rich screwing 'em."


                  • #10
                    May be better off just not voting just sayin
                    Democrats have a terrible track record last 8 yrs!!
                    Last edited by dbarham; October 25, 2015, 09:56 AM.
                    MANVEL MOB


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by dbarham View Post
                      I would not vote if that is the case
                      I respect that.
                      "Nobody's so poor that democrats can't get rich screwing 'em."


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by boom View Post
                        I respect that.
                        Lol don't know why he would vote for her knowing she is not worthy just because the party he stands with?? Don't vote if you don't like her!!!
                        MANVEL MOB


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by dbarham View Post
                          Lol don't know why he would vote for her knowing she is not worthy just because the party he stands with?? Don't vote if you don't like her!!!
                          Donkeys just want to be racehorses. LOL
                          "Nobody's so poor that democrats can't get rich screwing 'em."


                          • #14
                            This is from an article on the Huffington post. It funny how this writer plays "twister" in the article to be sure and lay no blame at Obama. The writer gets some of it right and some of it wrong.
                            This in bold is my point in this thread.
                            "Hillary and Bill Clinton cultivate advisers like Blumenthal and Sullivan for their loyalty beyond principle, and Sullivan was on point in speaking of politically exploiting the then-impending end of Gadhafi: "... it might make sense for you to do an op-ed to run right after he falls, making this point. ...You can reinforce the op-ed in all your appearances, but it makes sense to lay down something definitive, almost like the Clinton Doctrine."

                            This below was not the only value or point of searching Clinton's emails. (We weren't even aware of the private server) The point was to get the truth about the Bengazi attack, and reveal the lying by Clinton & Susan Rice to the American people about the cause of the attack to protect her future aspirations and Obama's re-election. This whole cabal makes Watergate look like a Sunday picnic.

                            "The only value in disclosure of the secretary of state's private emails is to confirm that she was considerably more hawkish than President Obama, and the only question about her zeal is whether it was driven by political cynicism or ideological hubris."
                            "GET OFF MY REEF!"


                            • #15
                              I love messin' with you right-wingers! First a black man now a woman. What's a poor tea bagger do do???? waaaaaaaaa!!!! Don't worry, maybe in 20 years or so you can get one of your science-denying, fundamentalist nutbags elected.
                              Captain, Galveston County Blue Team Fish Killers
                              "Fishing Guide"-A person who contributes to the delinquency of a liar.

