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After 7 Years, A Look At Obama's "Recovery" Economy

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  • After 7 Years, A Look At Obama's "Recovery" Economy

    I don't remember seeing this information on CBS, ABC or NBC or The New York Times.

    "The Workers Whose Paychecks Are Shrinking
    According to new research, between 2009 and 2014, wage loss across all jobs averaged 4 percent. But for those in the bottom quintile, those losses averaged 5.7 percent...."

    Read More here>http://www.theatlantic.com/business/...ecline/403840/

  • #2
    That's because all of us evil,greedy white businessmen are keeping all the profits and firing those that beotich, like the MG's of the world.


    • #3
      Kenny thanks for posting facts. I can tell you my company employs over 1300 people across the globe. Since 2011 we have shut down our Paris France office because of their failed attempt at socialism (which even the French agree was a bad move), reduced annual raises by 2% and have been on a hiring freeze. All of these moves are in an effort to keep our current employees and still squeeze out a profit. I wont get into the impact of Obamacare because that is another story but I can tell you I am glad we braced for the negative impact that program had on small business


      • #4
        Originally posted by JT View Post
        That's because all of us evil,greedy white businessmen are keeping all the profits and firing those that beotich, like the MG's of the world.
        Glad you recognize the problem JT. Stock holders and the wealthy gained everything these folks have lost.
        Just imagine if Barrys bailout the automakers had not been done and the price of oil kept going up.
        Kennys article is true but it should go back 30-40 years.
        Bernie has the charts if anyone gives a damn.

        dawg, whats your small company doing business in France anyhow. Those workers could be here. Enough companies have fled the homeland all in the name of profits and making the CEO's benefits.
        Far as small business, I feel so sorry for them over having to give health care to their workers.
        Its all an equal playing field if they all have to do it. Quit whinning about how bad small businesses have it.
        Dont want to do what the rest of the small businesses are doing than get outa business. Some hard working soul will step up and make it happen.

        Wages have been going down substantially across the board ever since Ronnie Boy, the turn coat democrat, busted the air traffic controllers just because he could.
        "Nobody's so poor that somebody can't get rich screwing 'em."


        • #5
          What a great day in history that was when Reagan stood up to those butttts and told them get back to work or you're fired. Called their lame bluff and set the tone.


          • #6
            Well we were doing business in France because one of largest clients is headquartered there and we prefer to hire local talent. We actually have staff located in 22 offices across the globe. Yes our balance sheet is healthy we do that to insure those hard working folks we employ know we can handle a down turn. I would prefer to have a cash in the bank to pay our folks when things go bad. We did not layoff one person during the 2008 down turn. We were not profitable for 18 months but we had money in the bank to sustain. Don't feel sorry for us that we “have to provide healthcare” it is the right thing to do, however increasing our cost to do so has an impact on the business. We lowered annual raises and stopped hiring. Being a fiscally responsible business is a good thing. I am happy running a small business and I certainly don’t want to get out of business. Do you have stats on your statement about wages have been going down since President Reagan "busted the air traffic controller". When he took office minimum wage was 3.25 in 1990 min wage was $5 in 2000 min wage was $5 in 2010 min wage was $7.25. "Substantially" I think not.


            • #7
              Originally posted by BlueDawg View Post
              Well we were doing business in France because one of largest clients is headquartered there and we prefer to hire local talent. We actually have staff located in 22 offices across the globe. Yes our balance sheet is healthy we do that to insure those hard working folks we employ know we can handle a down turn. I would prefer to have a cash in the bank to pay our folks when things go bad. We did not layoff one person during the 2008 down turn. We were not profitable for 18 months but we had money in the bank to sustain. Don't feel sorry for us that we “have to provide healthcare” it is the right thing to do, however increasing our cost to do so has an impact on the business. We lowered annual raises and stopped hiring. Being a fiscally responsible business is a good thing. I am happy running a small business and I certainly don’t want to get out of business. Do you have stats on your statement about wages have been going down since President Reagan "busted the air traffic controller". When he took office minimum wage was 3.25 in 1990 min wage was $5 in 2000 min wage was $5 in 2010 min wage was $7.25. "Substantially" I think not.
              You really need to do your own DD. If I show you charts or facts you or some good ol boy will just blame me for not knowing what I'm talking about or start the name game.
              I'll be happy to show you the charts that are out there and public knowledge through private PM. If you have time and can be open minded check out Bernie Sanders and what he is pushing and campaigning on.
              "Nobody's so poor that somebody can't get rich screwing 'em."


              • #8
                MG I stand corrected. I pulled the some data as I am in the research business.

                Mean Household income by year:

                1980 $55,000
                1990 $60,000
                2000 $70K (Y2K Boom)
                2010 $63,000
                Peak 2007 $72,000
                2008 Decline started $64,000
                2010 $63,000
                2014 $62,000

                You are correct in the decline but it is hard for me to label it "substantially"


                • #9
                  Substantially would be if you were the one that hasnt seen a pay increase even for cost of living after 30years and even 5 years.
                  im serious about Bernie also. He is not my 1st choice but has caused Hillary and Trump to take notice on more important issues than gun control and terroists and planned parenthood.
                  Like they say, its the economy stupid and oh so true.
                  "Nobody's so poor that somebody can't get rich screwing 'em."


                  • #10
                    Bluedawg, always remember that when you are arguing with a nit-wit that has never owned anything, run a company, never employed anybody, never had to worry about going broke if things didn't work out , who's as$$s was never on the line if failure happened nor never wrote a check and just googles up sheit that he has no idea what it means...it usually is very frustrating.


                    • #11
                      I would say that household income has dropped-my GF's insurance cost went up almost 200% all thanks to ObamaCare BS-mainly due to tax increases such as ObamaCare (which is not a tax, oh, wait, yes it is -who said it wasn't? That's right, it was Comrade Obama-and you got to keep your current insurance-yeah, right-another lie by Obama-anyway "What difference does it make?"). Folks like MG are the problem with our current society-they follow the fearless leader without question, believe his lies and even argue that they are not lies-add the #BLM group as well as the Rainbow Coalition or whatever the fark it's called now and add Obama's race baiting and purposeful race divisiveness and we now have one farked up country that Libs have caused-example: making a sicko, mofo, cross-dresser "Woman of the Year"-pushing the right for a cross-dresser to go into women's restrooms as 'normal and acceptable'-you really must be Dain Bramaged to even think that could be acceptable. If my GF was in a Ladies room and some queer weirdo such as Jenner walked in, I'd either cut his weenie off and flush it or shoot him. Mg's people would ask if they could shake it for him and smile.

                      Beautify America-Run over a Lib or Muslim. Remember #BLACKLIESMATTER. Clock Boy-Hero of Obama and Al Quaida and future terrorist.
                      "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.

