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The Clintons are lower than worm doo.

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  • The Clintons are lower than worm doo.

    Another typical Clinton article on their now in-laws-scum live with scum. From Politico:

    Encounters between potential in-laws can often be awkward, but this untold chapter in Clinton family history may take the cake.

    President Bill Clinton once had the opportunity to save his daughter's future father-in-law from spending five years behind bars, according to never-before-revealed White House files. But the asked-for reprieve never came.

    In the waning days of Clinton's presidency, federal prosecutors and the FBI were bearing down on former Rep. Ed Mezvinsky (D-Iowa), who had fallen for a series of Ponzi schemes and pulled in nearly $10 million money from other investors to cover his losses.

    Mezvinsky would not be formally indicted until March of 2001, but records released last week by the Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock and obtained by POLITICO show Mezvinsky and his then-wife — ex-Rep. Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky (D-Pa.) — pleaded with the former president for a presidential pardon to head off the looming federal case.

    "I have real reason to believe that without a pardon, charges will be brought against me in the very near future, and that I will then be faced with a long and difficult process of defending myself, and ultimately the prospect of a long prison term," Mezvinsky wrote. "I am humbled and saddened at having sullied my reputation and that of my family, and having disappointed the many honorable and decent people who had confidence in me. I am prepared to try to make amends as best I can."

    Margolies-Mezvinsky's missive to the president discusses her husband's history of service in politics and for the community, but is vague about the nature of his alleged wrongdoing.

    "He is a man who in public service and his private life has worked tirelessly as an advocate for the poor, the underprivileged, and underserved. But he is also a man who now finds himself in a precarious position, where a federal investigation has already blemished a stellar career, a life of high-minded public service dedication to humanitarian causes. It is for this reason that I write personally to you to seek clemency for Ed," Margolies-Mezvinsky wrote.

    It is unclear whether Clinton ever saw the letters, which turned up in the files of the White House's counsel's office.

    Asked about the letters, Margolies-Mezvinsky — now Chelsea Clinton's mother-in-law — said this week that she doesn't believe the Clinton White House ever acted on the request.

    "No action was taken ... which is a matter of public record. To my knowledge, we never received any reply from the White House," the former congresswoman said in an email to POLITICO.

    A spokesman for the former president did not reply to a query Tuesday about whether the pardon request ever reached him.

    Chelsea Clinton and the Mezvinskys' son Marc married in 2010. However, their families had been friendly since at least the early 1990s. The future couple first met in 1993 when both families were attending the prestigious annual Renaissance Weekend gathering in South Carolina.

    When Chelsea was touring colleges in 1997, Marc Mezvinsky, then a sophomore at Stanford, showed her around the campus. Their friendship developed over their college years, though they didn't start formally dating until she moved to New York after graduation.

    Congresswoman Margolies-Mezvinsky achieved national prominence in 1993 by providing what was seen as the critical vote for President Bill Clinton's budget and tax bill. Republicans chanted, "Good-bye, Margie," as she cast the high-profile vote.

    Margolies-Mezvinsky's first term indeed turned out to be her last. Despite significant efforts by Clinton to rescue her re-election bid, she lost to her GOP opponent by a 4 percent margin.

    Bill Clinton has always seemed indebted to Margolies-Mezvinsky for the sacrifice she made. (Robalo thinks they were more than 'friends' because Bill is a sex predator and likely also a teen molester-see Jeffrey Epstein and "Epstein's Island"). "I really didn't want Margolies-Mezvinsky to have to vote with us," the former president wrote in his 2004 memoir. "She was one of the very few Democrats who represented a district with more constituents who'd get tax hikes than tax cuts, and in her campaign she'd promised not to vote for any tax increases ... She had earned an honored place in history, with a vote she shouldn't have had to cast."

    After Mezvinsky's defeat in 1994, Clinton named her as deputy chair of the U.S. delegation to the U.N. World Conference on Women in Beijing. First Lady Hillary Clinton wound up serving as head of the delegation, which made waves in China for its assertiveness.

    The Clintons remained close to Margolies-Mezvinsky as she ran unsuccessfully for Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania in 1998 and for the U.S. House again in 2000. She dropped out of the latter race after filing for bankruptcy in the wake of the financial chaos resulting from her husband's bizarre investment schemes, including one classic swindle that has been run out of Nigeria for decades. (In 2014, she again mounted a bid for Congress, but came up short in the Democratic primary despite strong backing from the former first couple.)

    In the letters about the potential pardon, there are hints that Margolies-Mezvinsky was closer to the president than her husband was. His letter is signed, "Edward Mezvinsky," while hers is signed, simply, "Marjorie."

    Whatever President Clinton's inclinations towards the family, Mezvinsky's pardon request may have simply come too late. A 22-page White House summary of pending pardon and commutation requests in early December 2000 makes no mention of Mezvinsky.

    The pardon request reviewed by POLITICO is marked as received on January 12, 2001. The date, just eight days before Clinton left office, has been underlined.

    Former White House officials say the pardon process descended into a degree of chaos in those final days. In his final hours in office, Clinton issued 176 pardons and commutations. Some went to individuals close to Clinton, like his brother Roger, and to people targeted in independent counsel investigations the president viewed as unfair. The most controversial pardons went to financiers Marc Rich and Pincus Green, who had been living in Switzerland for years to avoid facing a federal indictment.
    (Robalo: Gee, I wonder how much Rich and Green have given the Clintons?)
    Some of those pardons and commutations were issued even though individuals had never applied through the official process at the Justice Department.

    It's unclear whether Mezvinsky ever did so, but such an application would have been futile. Since he hadn't even been charged, the Justice Department would have summarily rejected his application.

    Clinton ultimately issued just one pre-trial pardon, blocking a prosecution of former CIA Director John Deutch for having classified information on his home computer. Deutch's pardon also came on Clinton's last day as president. Gee, sound familiar?-bet Obama gives Hellary a pardon. Anyone with a brain that lived through the Clinton Deutch 'deal' should know better than to have CLASSIFIED info on a non-gummint server unless you just were a stupid idiotic beotch, like Hellary Clinton.

    A federal prosecutor said in a 2007 interview that as Ed Mezvinsky swindled investors in the late 1990s he sometimes used his association with the Clintons as a talking point.

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/0...#ixzz3z7iOt4AW
    Last edited by Robalo; February 3, 2016, 11:53 AM.
    "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.

  • #2
    Her's some more on the stupid traitor, lying POS Hellary Clinton:

    U.S. intelligence officials say "top-secret" emails Hillary Clinton kept on her private email server when she headed the State Department include the real names of CIA spies serving undercover overseas — a violation of federal law that has put the agents in harm's way, The Observer reports.

    And, The Observer's John Schindler writes, those emails also include the names of foreigners on the CIA payroll, possibly endangering their lives.
    "At a minimum, valuable covers have been blown, careers have been ruined, and lives have been put at serious risk. Our spies' greatest concern now is what's still in Hillary's emails that investigators have yet to find," Schindler, a former National Security Agency analyst, says in his report.

    He also quotes a senior intelligence community official as saying the security breach is a "death sentence."

    "If we're lucky, only [foreign] agents, not our officers, will get killed because of this," the official says.

    The Observer report comes four days after the State Department said it was withholding 22 emails from Clinton's server because they contained "top-secret" information, although the agency gave no hint about what that classified information was. But but but Hellary says that aint so, therefore, it must be true-right? Lying POS.

    The FBI has been investigating Clinton's use of a private server to determine whether it is a criminal matter.

    The Observer calls the breach a clear violation of federal law, citing the Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982, voted into law following the murder of the CIA spy in Greece after his identity was disclosed in the media.

    CIA brass believe some or all or Clinton's emails, which were kept on her home server and were apparently unencrypted, were intercepted by foreign powers.

    Clinton insists she never sent or received e-mails that were marked classified from the home server and blames Republicans for stoking the controversy. She has also asked that the 22 emails being withheld by the State Department be released.
    Clinton, the Democratic presidential front-runner, said she doesn't believe Americans are concerned about the email firestorm.

    "I can tell you that is not on the minds of the literally thousands of people that I've seen in the last few weeks. I'm glad it isn't," she told CNN. No shat you dumbazz POS.

    Breaking News at Newsmax.com http://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/us-...#ixzz3z7ldjGPL
    "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.


    • #3
      She's got her hands full with Senator Sanders right about now.


      • #4
        I respect the investigating fbi . They are usually honest people doing the best they can to uphold the law . I'm sure they have had some pressure by some elites to ease off . I hope they carry through and do the right thing what ever that may be , whether good or bad for hillary .

