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Looking for fishing mentor 10/7 or 10/10

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  • Looking for fishing mentor 10/7 or 10/10

    My birthday is this friday and I'm lucky enough to work for a place that gives me the day off. I'm also taking Monday off because mondays suck. I'd really like to catch some fish, the problems is I'm a really sub par fisherman. I'd like to hire a guide but I just can't swing it right now. I can afford to pay for a trip (gas, bait, food, drinks, ect.) if some kind soul has room for me. I really need as much wisdom as I can get, especially when it comes to artificials. I can read til my eyes bleed but looking over someone's shoulder will teach me far more. I know beggars can't be choosers but if we could drop in at Chocolate bayou and 2004 that would be awesome as it's where I plan to drop in when I get my boat done and I'd like to learn the area. But of course I'll meet you wherever.

    I'll try to be good company. I shower frequently and rarely have episodes on the new meds. I'll bring plenty of sunflower seeds and bananas and we can pass away the hours discussing politics and religion.

    But seriously if you know enough to teach a fool to fish, and are free the 7th or 10th I'd love to pay for a trip and get on the water.

    When I grow up I want to be, One of the harvesters of the sea. I think before my days are done, I want to be a fisherman.

  • #2
    Sorry I can't help. I don't have a boat or know Chocolate very well. Besides, I'll be out of town and I'm not that great a fisherman either!
    Good luck!
    "Curmudgeon only pawn in game of life."


    • #3
      I am going to be fishing Sunday and you are more than welcome to tag along.

