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sealed reel

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  • #16
    At $800+ for a Van Staal, hep yerselves to em.

    Why not hire an illegal (think Bird Boy in Mexico) and have him swim out yur baits? If he drowns, Obama will still have a vote by the poor dead soul.

    Sealed reels: The REVO is spota be sealed, but I say baloney on that. No way you could seal it completely since the spool must be free from the reel body, so water can and will get in to the reel works. Filling with light oil will hinder casting and just spill out and then the TDEQ and EPA will toss yer butt in jail or fine ya millions and make ya place TV ads about how the coast is open and come on down!! If ya do make a sealed reel, I suggest the name "Macondo" for it-ha ha.
    "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.


    • #17
      LOL what happened with this thread LOL... lost the chopper beyond the third bar.. that's hilarious.. i could somehow see that coming...

      Reels... I don't think soo.. it's grease them up right and clean them if they get dunked...


      • #18
        A park ranger down at the PINS busted our chops one day for chooting the tater cannon over the second bar. Thought we was aiming at birds or something. Oh no suh, we was experimenting with getting this bait way out wonder, but so far all we gots in cream o' tater, creamed corn, creamed squid, and a couple lost jigs prolly halfway to Cuba. Oh and we burned up a ton of fishin' line too. He looked all funny at us like we was nuts. He declined and went back to his pickup when we shot the biggest wad of the day, using the last of our camp toilet paper for cannon wadding. Juss one last charge, officer, we swore. It was the last one alright, blowed up our cannon and lucky nobody got hurt! There was TP raining out of the sky for a good 5 minutes. Time to leave, boys!


        • #19
          You're lucky he didn't shoot yall for littering!!
          "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.

