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Is this a good way out of Jones?

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  • Is this a good way out of Jones?

    I put the first scratches on my new boat yesterday. I was trying to follow this channel to the ICW when I ran aground on some oyster shell (approximately at the crosshair). I realized afterwards that I was just left of the channel and that's all it took. First of all, does that channel actually exist or does it only exist on my GPS screen? Second, if that channel does in fact exist, will it get me through the spoil islands to the ICW?

    We just got a house on Tiki Island and I've been putt putting around trying to familiarize myself with everything. Any other West Bay/Jones tips would be appreciated. Thanks!

  • #2
    Not really. There is a cut by ICW marker 54 but it is very shallow. See Jones Lake Map at
    http://bvfishing.com (not intended for navigation, reference only). If you follow the markers on the west side of Jones when you get to Harveys Pole (the last one, it is fairly tall, stay just east of it) line up on the Red ICW marker and your good to go. Don't try to cut thru to Harbor Walk from there lots of U/W hazards.

    Lots of hazards between Tiki, ICW and Jones best to get someone to show you around.
    .~~~~ ~~~~~~~ www.saltwaterhooker.net


    • #3
      Thanks everybody. It's a Nautic Star 210 Coastal. Website claims 8 inch draft. I doubt it.


      • #4
        Track '1' is a little more easier but track '2' will work but the shell reefs are closer together. Go slow on both tracks the first time.

        AQUA PIMP
        Attached Files
        AQUA PIMP......



        • #5
          i fish those oyster reefs alot and see tons of boats hit the oyster reef. When I want to get over to the ICW I go very slow. It is dangerous cause a foot to the left or right and theres the oyster reef, also i have seen boats go close to the north grasslands and get bogged down in mud in some skinny water boats.


          • #6
            Thanks so much for the tips. I'm headed out on another exploratory mission. Hopefully I'll be able to avoid any more oyster rash.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Paul Marx
              Marking it with PVC is good for some , bad for others . Somebody it going to get impaled by one running Jones one day mark my words . Why can't people just learn the old fashion way ? Running a boat around shell it's going to get scratch up . Buy a keel saver and go fishing . Mark the mouth of Highland Bayou , the mouth of DV canal and the opening in the reef to the ICW.
              Paul I agree, whoever put those old pvc pole up out of Bayou Vista really accomplished nothing. They are not marking a channel, it's the same depth all the way across. At one point there were so many white poles out there it would make you dizzy and for many I can see where it could be confusing. It's not that difficult and can be learned in about an hour. Other than the spoils, there are only three small reefs that are underwater on a normal tide and they are in the same general area. Stay away from the immediate west and SW side of Tiki and you will be fine. Gater


              • #8
                Lat22 - How do you like that boat?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by jwsag87 View Post
                  Lat22 - How do you like that boat?
                  So far so good. I only have about 5 hours on it. I finally went for a longer ride today when I took the IWC down to Chocolate and made a uturn. I didn't hit anything today so it was a good day.

                  What's the best way to get into West Bay proper so I can run down to GISP?


                  • #10
                    the middle cut is marked with a pole on each side of the icw with i think red and blue tape white pvc line thoose up and thats the cut.
                    75% Saltwater 5% led 20 % soft plastic 99% Alcohol 500% Fish stories = the make up of an angler.

