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  • HI-389A

    Despite plans and pleas from a variety of conservation groups to convert the oil platform known as High Island 389-A into an artificial reef, the federal government says “nyet” and insists it must be destroyed and removed.

    The dormant oil platform, about 100 miles southeast of Galveston, hosts a variety of marine life including corals, sea fans and sponges. Schools of jack and snapper, solitary grouper, and barracuda circle in its shadows. Dive boats periodically stop at the enormous structure, where dolphins, sea turtles, and sharks are often spotted.
    Now, 30 years after it was built and months after it was abandoned, it is set to be demolished under Interior Department rules governing non-producing ocean structures. And when it goes, the lush ecosystem that has grown around it will also vanish. There are now about 650 such oil and gas industry relics, known as idle iron, that may meet this fate.
    The federal government estimates that the blasts needed to remove one platform kill 800 fish, although others who have observed the process put the number in the thousands. Much of the marine life on or around the structure dies, either from the explosions to separate the platform from its supports or when it is toppled or towed to shore and recycled as scrap metal.

    I have dove this platform a number of time and it is an ecological wonder. The fishing community really needs to come behind efforts to save it and the other rigs slated for demolition. Loss of all this habitat will have a pronounced effect on our and future fishing.

    .~~~~ ~~~~~~~ www.saltwaterhooker.net

  • #2
    We are West End Anglers, a saltwater tribe!


    • #3
      With BOEMRE and Obama and Salazar, it will probably not happen. The rigs to reef is a great thing, but they must meet certain criteria as to water depth and are usually not left to sit but are abandoned and moved to a new spot. I know the companies would prefer not even moving them and toppling in place, but as I recall, certain areas are designated for reef sites and likely the Flower Garden area is not one such areea-I wouldn't be surprised if some enviro-nazi group says the rusting metal or the grout in the legs are toxic to the Flower Garden area. Perhaps a groundswell of NY yankees will change their minds at BOEMRE???
      "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.


      • #4
        what a shame. good luck reasoning with BSEE/BOEM


        I hope I catch a 10 lb trout before I catch a flesh eating bacteria.

