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Eating Stingrays..?????? Really...???

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  • Eating Stingrays..?????? Really...???

    This past Wed. we went out & caught more than expected given the wind we faced...
    Anyhow...I had one of our Engineers with us that day...He's an Asian guy & loves to fish.
    We are good friends so he wantesd to go with us...ok..cool..

    I caught this good sized Ray & normally I grab the Barb part of the tail with my heary pliers then unhook them
    & throw them back ASAP...So that's what I did....
    My friend said if we caught anymore that he wanted them....I said...."What..?? You eat these damn things.??"
    So we ended the day catching (2) more decent sized ones..I cut off the tails & he kept them..

    They are so sick looking I couldn't imagine eating them....
    I just can't wait to get then the heck off my line..Am I missing something here..???

    So..has ANYONE out there eaten these things.??? Really.???
    Found this Video of this dude in Texas somewhere I tought was too much..Dang...
    A quick and easy how to on how to cook Stingray...Check out more of our tips and adventures at...www.gutpile.netand recipes and seasoning atwww.buddysblends.com

    Think I will just stick with Trout & Redfish....
    My handle here will remain "Troutfan62"... not "Stingrayfan62"....


  • #2
    Sorry..I hold them really tight with my "HEAVY" pliers...not heary pliers...LMAO


    • #3
      Taste just like scallops. Abuddy of mine would take a pipe about 6" long, sharpen one end, put a cap on the other end, drill & tap towards the cap to install a fitting for a water hose,lay the stingray on a board, hammer away,when pipe was filled with meat he would turn on water to get them out, then trim skin off & center section, then cook em up.
      Today is a new day!!


      • #4
        stingrays are where bay scallops come from. I've eaten it before but I don't make it a habit of catching one to eat.


        • #5
          You can use a good cookie cutter on them to. I've eaten them many times just don't feel like messing with since I've gotten older.
          "Many men go fishing all of their lives without knowing that it is not fish they are after" ~ Henry David Thoreau


          • #6
            Originally posted by Gilbert View Post
            stingrays are where bay scallops come from. I've eaten it before but I don't make it a habit of catching one to eat.
            Yeah they don't hit my topwater
            MANVEL MOB


            • #7
              Thats what I heard from another chinese guy , He told me in their country they Love them! I have eaten scallops not too bad, I think the next time I catch one I'm gonna take it home & give it a try!


              • #8
                Well.. Ok.!! Great replies..
                I thought the video I posted was pretty funny..reminds me of some of my old neighbors from
                Cut-N-Shoot Tx.!!!! LMAO.!!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by troutfan62 View Post
                  Well.. Ok.!! Great replies..
                  I thought the video I posted was pretty funny..reminds me of some of my old neighbors from
                  Cut-N-Shoot Tx.!!!! LMAO.!!
                  Cut n shoot? I don't even want to know!


                  • #10
                    Yep.. Cut-N-Shoot...
                    Just east of Conroe on Hwy. 105


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by troutfan62 View Post
                      Yep.. Cut-N-Shoot...
                      Just east of Conroe on Hwy. 105
                      Just joking I know exactly where its at. Hell I lived in Hardin for 10 years so I cant really say anything.


                      • #12
                        One of the local people here gave us a slab of ray a few years ago. Like Galveston340 said - it was like honeycomb with lots of cartilage - not a pleasant texture at all. We decided that it was better shark bait than food.

                        Anegada, BVI (N18° 44.683' W64° 24.133')
                        Houston (Clear Lake City)


                        • #13
                          Here is a good thread about eating rays - and I agree with it. http://www.spearfishingplanet.com/fa...ifference.html

                          Anegada, BVI (N18° 44.683' W64° 24.133')
                          Houston (Clear Lake City)


                          • #14
                            "Curmudgeon only pawn in game of life."


                            • #15
                              Great Thread "Walker"...Like I said...I'll stick to my Trout & Reds..
                              As for Cut-N Shoot..I was raised there..went to Conroe High then Sam Houston State Univ.
                              It's a Hillbilly heaven there for sure in Cut-N-Shoot..many Old timers with some good old stories...
                              My parents now live in Montgomery & a younger brother in the Woodlands.. I'm in Humble now....
                              Hitting the bay again this Sat somewhere...
                              Too funny..

                              Thanks guys...

