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Something you don't see everyday

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  • Something you don't see everyday

    Was running behind Sea Isle Saturday about noon. Almost ran over boogie board. As I went around, I could see a large TripleTail underneath the board taking advantage of the shade. Stopped and threw a shrimp at it. Nothing doing. Finally went on it's way. 6 yr. old nephew thought that was cool.

  • #2
    same here near tire reef but he was under plywood


    • #3
      Saw one last year near alligator head. It was hanging around a PVC pipe.
      Bacon Bacon Bacon!!!


      • #4
        "Curmudgeon only pawn in game of life."


        • #5
          That is cool
          Mirrolure Pro Staff


          • #6
            Saw my 1st one while fishing with castaway300. That sucker was almost to the 2004 bridge.


            • #7
              Wow, that really is pretty neat. Wish you could of hooked up on it.


              • #8
                We netted one out of the boat slip at our house in Sea Isle. It was a juvenile that looked exactly like a leaf.

                Tight Lines
                Tight Lines


                • #9
                  About this time last year, Pat & I were heading back to Tabbs from the C Well area with flat water and I told him to keep an eye out around anything floating..., about have way in he shouted turn around. Made a wide turn and got close enough for him to cast a New Penny GULP at some Seaweed and boom the fight was on. This was his first Triple Tail and he had fun with his 6lb line.

                  Now, he's looking every time we go out but we have not seen another. Fun fight and Great eating.

                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by S-troop View Post
                    About this time last year, Pat & I were heading back to Tabbs from the C Well area with flat water and I told him to keep an eye out around anything floating..., about have way in he shouted turn around. Made a wide turn and got close enough for him to cast a New Penny GULP at some Seaweed and boom the fight was on. This was his first Triple Tail and he had fun with his 6lb line.

                    Now, he's looking every time we go out but we have not seen another. Fun fight and Great eating.

                    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                    We catch them in west Mattie/port o'connor pretty frequently off buoy's and markers. Damn good eatin.
                    Didn't know they were down this far. Hard to catch. Need light winds and some patience. Cold beer doesn't hurt either.

