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Boarded by US Customs

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  • Boarded by US Customs

    Went fishing at the North Jetties last week on 7/5. Nothing but small sharks biting, so we decided to check out the South Jetties. When we got there, there were no other boaters in sight, and the water did not look good, so we decided to head back in. Along the way a US Customs boat pulled us over and boarded us. They checked IDs and looked in every compartment on our boat. They even checked our pockets for "personal stuff"(420). They detained us for about 20 minutes while they checked us out. It's nice to see our tax dollars at work, albeit a little inconvenient.
    "I love this country, it's the government I'm afraid of!"

  • #2
    Wow !
    10x spelling bee champ ...... For a full report go to DEANOKNOWS.COM


    • #3
      Happened to my father and I last winter. I went back to the boat ramp to get something from the truck and they met me at the ramp. They were cool. The birds we were working needed a few minutes to regroup anyways. One of the agents asked why I kept looking over my shoulder. I said, "Look at those birds." He was a fisherman and we got to talking about Chocolate.


      • #4
        Thank goodness you hid everything well...


        • #5
          Originally posted by walkinwader View Post
          Thank goodness you hid everything well...
          Yea, you really through em off the sent using the old watching the birds ruse!.........
          West Bay Sensai...


          • #6
            Originally posted by FishNette View Post
            Went fishing at the North Jetties last week on 7/5. Nothing but small sharks biting, so we decided to check out the South Jetties. When we got there, there were no other boaters in sight, and the water did not look good, so we decided to head back in. Along the way a US Customs boat pulled us over and boarded us. They checked IDs and looked in every compartment on our boat. They even checked our pockets for "personal stuff"(420). They detained us for about 20 minutes while they checked us out. It's nice to see our tax dollars at work, albeit a little inconvenient.
            Farging Nazi State now-thanks Obama you azzhole. I been boarded by USCG, not HMS and likely would have a farging fit if HMS boarded me-I aint no GD Middle East farging terrorist-I consider the HMS boarding a Gestapo Tactic to farge with regular folks. FU HMS-go farge with some middle eastern - sure, my fishing rod is a weapon of mass destruction -against fish ya farging idiots. Makes me wanna puke. Just another fine waste of tax $$$$$. I do not believe they had any right to search your person-that is a violation of the US Constitution.
            "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.


            • #7
              Originally posted by buoy37 View Post
              The birds we were working needed a few minutes to regroup anyways. One of the agents asked why I kept looking over my shoulder. I said, "Look at those birds."
              LOL! Love it! Thank goodness he was a fisherman!
              "Curmudgeon only pawn in game of life."


              • #8
                thats crazy
                "Our most great and glorious achievement is to live our life fishingly"


                • #9
                  that sux!
                  the fishing was good,it was the catching that was bad.


                  • #10
                    Thats total buulshit


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by JT View Post
                      Thats total buulshit



                      • #12
                        Hate to tell you this but it was your good ole boy George Bush and his administration that came up with the Homeland Security Gestapo of which Customs is now a part. Now our "Homeland" is being secured by a group that can seize, break and enter and arrest you without cause in the name of National Security, thank you George for the security, I sleep so much better at night.

                        “Anyone who trades liberty for security deserves neither liberty nor security” Benjamin Franklin

                        Originally posted by Robalo View Post
                        Farging Nazi State now-thanks Obama you azzhole. I been boarded by USCG, not HMS and likely would have a farging fit if HMS boarded me-I aint no GD Middle East farging terrorist-I consider the HMS boarding a Gestapo Tactic to farge with regular folks. FU HMS-go farge with some middle eastern - sure, my fishing rod is a weapon of mass destruction -against fish ya farging idiots. Makes me wanna puke. Just another fine waste of tax $$$$$. I do not believe they had any right to search your person-that is a violation of the US Constitution.
                        .~~~~ ~~~~~~~ www.saltwaterhooker.net


                        • #13

                          Yes he did. But Comrade Obama has done nothing but ramp up the Gestapo tactics hasn't he? Regardless, it is bad for the US Citizens to be treated as a criminal and searched without cause-no matter what jerk helped create it and what POS continues it. Our rights are being chipped away and if the sheeple allow, it will continue, so voting against the idiots in power is probably the best thing any US Citizen can do-after all, the odds are stacked against us 300,000,000 folks by 545 fools.

                          Obama has his UN Gun Treaty Meeting coming up where he'll likely push for a ban on all semi-autos-good luck with that.
                          "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.


                          • #14
                            I don't agree that politics and fishing go very well together, and we know that the good ole boys don't like Obama worth a flip. But us Americans asked the guv'mint to protect our shores and to keep incidents like 9/11 happening again, so we got what we deserve. We wanted to get tough on illegal immigration and that's what the Customs/Border Patrol is all about!

                            But I also agree with Robalo that we've militarized things to a very high degree, now with Customs speedboats that include Intrepid battleships that can go 74 MPH, or a half-dozen DPS Yellowfin gunboats with 50 caliber machine guns and NATO weaponry. Flying sucks too, with the TSA rules and I think I'm on their no-fly list!

                            It's like a loss of innocence, when we'd get boarded by the game wardens and you could drink beer while they checked your licenses and fish box ... talk a little smack about the fishing or the weather ... a smile and a thank you and they're on their way. I now what you mean there.


                            • #15
                              I would have told the SOB because i have to eyes and a neck which enables me to do that!I don't need the gubermint to protect me or our shores.That is total bs.Were the TSA agent in waiting for the full body scan and then at the next table the IRS.

