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Fishing the bayou's ?

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  • Fishing the bayou's ?

    If you have a Incoming tide are the Fish (Not Bait) going to be swimming with the tide or against the tide?

  • #2
    I usually find the fish following the bait into the back lakes.


    • #3
      Thnx for the info I will see if it works & let you know what happens!


      • #4
        Paul is right the fish u wanna catch will be facing the tide/ current waiting for bait to eat. Look fir some sorta break structure of some sort almost always holdin fish getting outta the current to wait and eat!


        • #5
          I just float around and drink beer and wait for something to hit. I usually get lucky every once in a while.
          KEEP IT WET..


          • #6
            i know where fish live soooo i just usually go there.
            75% Saltwater 5% led 20 % soft plastic 99% Alcohol 500% Fish stories = the make up of an angler.


            • #7
              Originally posted by GoldSpoonGeneral View Post
              i know where fish live soooo i just usually go there.
              I'm going to a new spot that I have never fished before So I dont know where the fish live at yet? LOL


              • #8
                bait fish tend to move with the tide so when casting throw against it and reel in with it
                "Our most great and glorious achievement is to live our life fishingly"


                • #9
                  I dunno, the back bays and bayous sometimes don't have much of any tide movement at all. The water comes slowly up, and goes slowly down. If there's a narrow channel, you might get a little tide flow especially on a spring tide. Too high, the fish scatter. Too low, the fish head for deeper water. Good luck figuring out the tide way back up in those waters - but it ain't when the tide turns at the jetty or the tide gauges. Might be hours different.


                  • #10
                    For what it's worth, I've seen dozens of reds landlocked when the tide was falling out of Basford Bayou. I got landlocked with them in my kayak.

                    I hand carried 4 reds and 3 flounder across a bar and into open water before they dried out. The smaller reds flopped and scurried through the few inches of water. The big reds layed on their side. The flounder just sat there. By the end of the day the tide and wind combined had completely dried that flat.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Paul Marx
                      You saw a rare scene right there .
                      It was last December if I remember right, when a cold front blew in fast. Someone else had pictures of it.

                      Birds were feasting on baitfish. It was a cool site.


                      • #12
                        I have seen when a Strong Cold Front Drained alot of the flats BUT I was wading not in my boat, This will be the first winter I have fished with my first boat so Now I will have to learn all the shallow areas so I dont end up stuck on a reef!!


                        • #13
                          At least I will learn where all the channels are this winter! Hopefully not getting stuck!

