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Chasing the popping cork...a fishing tale.

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  • Chasing the popping cork...a fishing tale.

    We had an interesting thing happen to us while fishing this past Sunday.

    We had been fishing some of our favorite flats for redfish. We pulled in a couple of smaller reds, trout, and croaker, but weren't having much luck. About 3m we decided to call it a day. We began puting up the fishing poles and dumping our old bait and rinsing out the bait buckets. My wife still had a line out with a small mullet on a popping cork, when all of a sudden she got a big hit. The rod bent over and the line went -snap-, and the fish was gone. All that was left was an empty line. Her entire rig was gone. We were all amazed at what had just happened, and disappointed. All we could do was speculate as to what might have done this. We stowed her pole and I proceeded to start the engine and motor away, when all of a sudden my son shouts "theres Mom's bobber!" Sure enough, there's a pink popping cork floating about 20' away. I turned off the engine, and proceeded to using the trolling motors to get us close to it. My son, Chad, leaned over the front of the boat to grab it, but it took off under the water as soon as he reached for it. We sat there for a few minutes waiting to see if it came back up, but after 5 minutes or so, we decide it must be gone, and we have a 1 hr boat ride to get back home, so we should go. I idled off, taking it slow just in case the bobber should pop up again. Sure enough, Chad spotted it again about 250' down the shore line. Again, I killed the engine and used the trolling motors to bet close. This time, we had a lure with 3 trebble hooks on a pole ready to snag the popping cork and line. When we got close, Chad threw the lure near the bobber a couple of times before snagging it. The fight was on! He brought it up to the boat and we could see it was a nice redfish. I grabbed the dip net and just as I put it in the water, the snagged lure came loose and the redfish was free again, but still dragging the pink poppink cork around. So here we are again, wondering if we will ever see the bobber again, or if it is gone for good. We trolled up and down the flats and shoreline but finally gave up. I started the engine, and as I was getting on plane, Chad yelled out "there it is"! The bobber was all the way across the flats from us. Probably 100 yrds. I took extra special care to be as quiet as we could so we didn't spook this fish again. When we got close enough, Chad cast the lure and snagged the bobber and fish again. We landed it this time. 26", 5lb 9oz Redfish(no tag)

    Funny thing, we went back to the same spot later that night to try our luck at floundering. We saw another bobber(green with white and red stripes at the top) floating in the water. We thought "what are the odds that this bobber also has a fish attached"? We approached it slowly and as soon as we got close, it was gone! Well, this time it was dark, so spotting it off in the distance was going to be tough, so we went back to fishing, but kept our eyes open for the 2nd bobber. Never saw it again.

    This is a picture of Chad with the Redfish.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Chad redfish bobber.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	38.9 KB
ID:	572641
    "I love this country, it's the government I'm afraid of!"

  • #2
    Very nice! My kids wont let me run past one when they see it -- can't tell you how many hours I've spent trolling after someones lost rig. They get a big kick out of it though so it's all good.
    Shut up and FISH!!


    • #3
      Chasing the popping cork...a fishing tale.

      Lol! Great story! Glad you got 'em!
      "Curmudgeon only pawn in game of life."


      • #4
        Chasing the popping cork...a fishing tale.

        Don't you just love it when a plan comes together. Great job!

        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


        • #5
          Re: Chasing the popping cork...a fishing tale.

          Nice read!


          • #6
            Really nice story! Glad y'all got the fish, and a real beauty too.


            • #7
              Ive picked a couple up,with no real good results as far as Keeper fish.But it probably was getting pretty old trying to survive draggin a cork around withem,it is fun to chase'em! Glad you guys had the good fortune to get moms red back for her!
              West Bay Sensai...


              • #8
                The best part of the story occured at dinner on Labor Day. Can you say "blackened redfish"? It was delicious!
                "I love this country, it's the government I'm afraid of!"


                • #9
                  Great story. Thanks.
                  "Shut up and jerk your croaker" - James Fox


                  • #10
                    I had that same thing happen, but there was a giant hardhead on the other end...


                    • #11
                      I used to cut the line if I had a ray on, so be careful lifting corks attached to a fish!!
                      "Hey Hillary, regarding the Benghazi Attack on 9/11-we'll just blame it on that movie, not my total lack of security. By the way, what's so significant about 9/11 anyway-was that a date my buddy Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground blew up a government building?" asked Obama to Hillary. BEAUTIFY AMERICA, RUN OVER A LIBERAL, THEN BACK UP AND SEE IF HE'S DEAD.


                      • #12
                        Glad to see you waiting around Paid Off!


                        • #13
                          Good stuff boss man.
                          When I grow up I want to be, One of the harvesters of the sea. I think before my days are done, I want to be a fisherman.


                          • #14
                            That is an awesome story!
                            KEEP IT WET..


                            • #15
                              awesome read!!!

