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Shooter in elementary

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  • Shooter in elementary

    What and the crap was this dude thinking going in a elementary school shooting !!!!! He's dead but man I would love to let some anger out on his dean body !!!!! Pos

    Last edited by WestEndAngler; December 14, 2012, 03:11 PM. Reason: Adding News Link
    10x spelling bee champ ...... For a full report go to DEANOKNOWS.COM

  • #2


    • #3
      WTF! What a POS....

      I just read about it online. Makes me sick.... Prayers to the victims and families. This is just horrible.

      I hope they catch the other POS and torture him for a bit!
      KEEP IT WET..


      • #4
        Been watching this and this is what the third mass killing like this in a year or two? WTF!!!! I guess I just want to know WHY!!! WHY kill kindergartners? F'ing sick and pisses me off...ready to go get my kids for the weekend...


        • #5
          I hear now they found the shooters parents dead at there house !!!! WTF ..
          10x spelling bee champ ...... For a full report go to DEANOKNOWS.COM


          • #6
            Pure and simple shame. Prayers go out to all the families. What a tragedy.


            • #7
              This is horrible it seems like every day there is some kind of shooting somewhere.

              May god comfort those families that lost people today.
              "Our most great and glorious achievement is to live our life fishingly"


              • #8
                When should we have an intelligent conversation in this country about keeping guns out of the hands of nutcases like this POS! I wonder what the response would be from the parants of those beautiful children would be to this question. I realize that guns don't kill people, s***heads WITH GUNS kill people. As long as we love our guns more than we love our children, this kind of violence will never cease. I know I will catch flak for even bring this up, but someone needs to say it! I pray to the Lord that these poor parents find the strength to overcome these terrible losses.
                Captain, Galveston County Blue Team Fish Killers
                "Fishing Guide"-A person who contributes to the delinquency of a liar.


                • #9
                  As long as we love our guns more than we love our children, this kind of violence will never cease

                  WTH.................prayers to all the families and may they all rest in peace except that pos may he have a special place in hell.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by reeltime View Post
                    As long as we love our guns more than we love our children, this kind of violence will never cease

                    WTH.................prayers to all the families and may they all rest in peace except that pos may he have a special place in hell.
                    Nicely put, Chris.
                    It's another very sad day. Prayers for all.
                    "Curmudgeon only pawn in game of life."


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Termo View Post
                      When should we have an intelligent conversation in this country about keeping guns out of the hands of nutcases like this POS! I wonder what the response would be from the parants of those beautiful children would be to this question. I realize that guns don't kill people, s***heads WITH GUNS kill people. As long as we love our guns more than we love our children, this kind of violence will never cease. I know I will catch flak for even bring this up, but someone needs to say it! I pray to the Lord that these poor parents find the strength to overcome these terrible losses.

                      Not the time or place for this!!!

                      God be with the kids and families.
                      KEEP IT WET..


                      • #12
                        This is not the time to be spouting political nonsense -- There are dead children!! -- this is not a political platform, there's a time and a place fot that --- and this AINT IT!! --and if that garbage is all you can think to say about the situation then I feel sorry for you.

                        Prayers up to all families affected.
                        Shut up and FISH!!


                        • #13
                          POLITICAL NONSENSE!!!??? How the heck do you call wanting to talk about the senseless killing of our children POLITICAL NONSENSE!? When DO WE talk about it....next week, next month, NEVER.....I say NOW! We all feel terrible and are deeply saddened by this violence and can only express our grief...but what does that SOLVE???? I am not against guns, I have several, I would just like to see some sensical conversation and suggestions about how to protect our children from nutcases getting their hands on them, if possible. We unfortunately cannot console those poor parents of this or the numerous other school shootings, but we CAN start a conversation on how to perhaps think of ways to stop future shootings. I'll start....How about better security at schools... better background checks for mental illness when buying guns, education on gun locks and their benefits around the home, etc. just sayin'.
                          Captain, Galveston County Blue Team Fish Killers
                          "Fishing Guide"-A person who contributes to the delinquency of a liar.


                          • #14
                            Start it in a political forum then --- you're tactless and inappropriate. The last thing any of those parents are thinking right now is "hey lets use this to go lobby for gun control"..

                            Go start a thread in Robalos corner and spout your political agenda there -- thats what that place is for. This is TOS crap not FWE!!
                            Shut up and FISH!!


                            • #15
                              Evil cannot be understood by sane people. To try and understand why someone is evil, and in doing so try to prevent them from being evil is a fruitless act. Evil is beyond understanding. You cannot reason with evil because it is unreasonable. It is strong and brave when facing the weak, vulnerable and scared, but is a coward when met with the courage of those that recognize it for what it is and have the resolve to defeat it. One cannot understand, or reason with, evil. One must defeat it.

