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Rainbow Trout 1-20-13

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  • #16
    I don't see anything now, but like I said I am still not doing it.


    • #17
      Originally posted by gus12343 View Post
      Ya I wonder what its like too?
      FP10: The rainbow trout being freshwater & sand or speckled being saltwater is there a taste difference??


      • #18
        yes they taste different.


        • #19
          Originally posted by FishinAddiction View Post
          Never been told, or read for that matter, that I am not allowed to release a fish. Interesting any way.

          I've never read that about rainbow trout but I know you can not release tilapia or any other non native fish back into the water. I fish in a local pond here by my house and its full of oscar's. They get tossed into the grass to die. Same with the tilapia.


          • #20
            KEEP IT WET..


            • #21
              Originally posted by gus12343 View Post
              Ya I wonder what its like too?
              Stocker rainbows are okay, kinda taste like salmon, but not as good. Wild trout are pretty good, but still, none of them have anything remotely in common with the "trout" we catch in the bay. Rainbows have a pinkish sort of meat.

              Absolute biggest fish cooking failure of my life was when I tried to fry some up in cornmeal like the crappie and catfish I grew up eating. Tasted horrible. Much better off gutting, washing, remove the head if you like, or leave it on, roll whole fish with skin on in egg wash, then seasoned flour, then pan fry in butter.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Root Canal View Post
                I checked the rulebook and website and can't find any imfomation stating C and R is against any Regs.
                So I sent an email to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. I'll let you guys know what they say.
                Thanks again FP. Don't want to be breaking ANY rules.

                Here is a copy of TPWD reply:

                It is not illegal, but we don't encourage it. Trout stocking in Texas
                takes place in winter because that's the only time our rivers and ponds
                are cold enough for them to live in. If any of those fish avoid getting
                caught and manage to survive until spring, they'll die from the heat
                when the water warms up to normal Texas temperatures.

                We call this a "put-and-take" stocking program: we bring fish that are
                already grown up, ready to catch as soon as we drop them in the lake,
                and we expect most or all to be harvested by the end of the season.

                Exception: The Guadalupe River below Canyon Lake stays fairly cold all
                year, and trout have been known to survive the summer there. That is, if
                release rates from the dam are more or less average. In case of a major
                flood or major drought, all bets are off.

                Having said that: we try to raise and stock 9" to 12" trout, but there
                will be some variations in size. If you catch a trout you don't want,
                there's no rule that says you can't let it go and try for a bigger one.
                Just keep in mind that you aren't giving the released fish a chance at a
                longer life.

                Dyanne Fry Cortez
                Web Coordinator, Inland Fisheries Division
                Texas Parks and Wildlife Department
                (512) 389-8055


                • #23
                  good to know that now....Not sure my little one would like it if I started letting her fish go though....

