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Little League Baseball - The kids are far more grown up than the adults!!

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  • Little League Baseball - The kids are far more grown up than the adults!!

    Just to vent a bit -- WTF is wrong with adults associated with little league baseball??? Parents and coaches alike -- they all act like they're 6 years old. I came very very close last night to beating the S@#$ out of one of the opposing coaches for mouthing off and disrespecting my wife and the rest of the fans on our side. I'm normally very quiet and respectful but when you mouth off to someone in my family the gloves come off. We were already losing like 13 to 2 and he still felt the need to be a big douche bag. How sportsmanlike is that? It was all I could do not to grab a bat and bust his face with it..

    Right after that, we had one of the parents of our own player confront our coach (evidently thinking he could do a much better job of things himself,, although he's NEVER been to even one practice) and they came close to blows after the game before myself and my wife stepped in and ran that guy off.

    I'm sick of all of the drama - these kids just want to play ball and have fun not watch a bunch of azz clowns argue with each other.

    Anyone else experience this??
    Shut up and FISH!!

  • #2
    Re: Little League Baseball - The kids are far more grown up than the adults!!

    My girlfriends dad and brother are little league umpires and every weekend they talk about this, they have had call police to escort coaches and parents out of the park that they kicked out, its a damn shame

    Sent from my LGL35G using Tapatalk 2
    I dont always drink beer, but when i do , I prefer to be fishing !!!!!


    • #3
      Re: Little League Baseball - The kids are far more grown up than the adults!!

      Originally posted by Ibtsoom View Post
      Just to vent a bit -- WTF is wrong with adults associated with little league baseball??? Parents and coaches alike -- they all act like they're 6 years old. I came very very close last night to beating the S@#$ out of one of the opposing coaches for mouthing off and disrespecting my wife and the rest of the fans on our side. I'm normally very quiet and respectful but when you mouth off to someone in my family the gloves come off. We were already losing like 13 to 2 and he still felt the need to be a big douche bag. How sportsmanlike is that? It was all I could do not to grab a bat and bust his face with it..

      Right after that, we had one of the parents of our own player confront our coach (evidently thinking he could do a much better job of things himself,, although he's NEVER been to even one practice) and they came close to blows after the game before myself and my wife stepped in and ran that guy off.

      I'm sick of all of the drama - these kids just want to play ball and have fun not watch a bunch of azz clowns argue with each other.

      Anyone else experience this??
      I agree Mike my 8 year old decided he did not wanna play this year and in a way I was glad because if these idiot parents I have almost had to put my foot up a coaches asss too!! Poor kids its pathetic!! My brother raced motor cross and supercross for 17 years and it was some of the same BS!!!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Ibtsoom View Post
        Just to vent a bit -- WTF is wrong with adults associated with little league baseball??? Parents and coaches alike -- they all act like they're 6 years old. I came very very close last night to beating the S@#$ out of one of the opposing coaches for mouthing off and disrespecting my wife and the rest of the fans on our side. I'm normally very quiet and respectful but when you mouth off to someone in my family the gloves come off. We were already losing like 13 to 2 and he still felt the need to be a big douche bag. How sportsmanlike is that? It was all I could do not to grab a bat and bust his face with it..

        Right after that, we had one of the parents of our own player confront our coach (evidently thinking he could do a much better job of things himself,, although he's NEVER been to even one practice) and they came close to blows after the game before myself and my wife stepped in and ran that guy off.

        I'm sick of all of the drama - these kids just want to play ball and have fun not watch a bunch of azz clowns argue with each other.

        Anyone else experience this??
        PM Sent lol
        We are West End Anglers, a saltwater tribe!


        • #5
          Well I was going to send this in a PM but seeing some kids get discouraged like Barham posted made me want to post this on public forum:

          I grew up with Baseball from when I was 5 til 21, sometime in College, finally gave it up (competitively). I remember several occasions of parents interceding into places they should not have. I've seen parents fight, umps call the game due to parents, cops called, kids fighting. It gets better as more kids finally drop out and kids get older. You can't do anything about the spectators except ask them to leave. The kids will either start disliking it or thrive on the game and learn to love it. I did.

          It is sad to read that the idea of baseball at this age, at least last night, was thwarted by two adults acting like kids. If you can get the guys to apologize then great but short of writing a letter to the league office what can one possibly do Mike? I don't remember the game starting to get real political until select leagues but then again I was still just a kid, what did I know.

          If your son loves the game keep him going in it and let him play year round ball once/if his friends do.

          There is no greater feeling than taking your first step onto a fully manicured ball field with a game not more than an hour away.

          If you want to hear some stories talk to Jamin, he played through College.
          We are West End Anglers, a saltwater tribe!


          • #6
            I hear you there! Like a couple of the above posts I played and umpired for years. I've always wanted to ban drinking at the kids games...many of the idiots were drunks. My buddy who was a coach sent a letter to all the parents telling them that if they behaved in a way that the coaching staff felt was inappropriate then neither the parents or the kids would be allowed on the field again.

            I simply have my kids in Christian school, church league stuff where I have NEVER seen anything that would be considered out of bounds. Heck my daughter as a cheerleader at the school will not cheer when the other team shoots free throws so that to be respectful! Some life lessons are more important that winning in my book...

            Hate that your kids have to see this sort of behavior...really hate it


            • #7
              My daughter was in Soccer a couple years back but not anymore. We had a bunch of problems with the parents telling the coach what to to. My theory is that if you want to coach, take on that responsibility or shut up. When you show up at games it's to support the kids, not to run the show.
              "Curmudgeon only pawn in game of life."


              • #8
                Originally posted by Ibtsoom View Post
                Just to vent a bit -- WTF is wrong with adults associated with little league baseball??? Parents and coaches alike -- they all act like they're 6 years old. I came very very close last night to beating the S@#$ out of one of the opposing coaches for mouthing off and disrespecting my wife and the rest of the fans on our side. I'm normally very quiet and respectful but when you mouth off to someone in my family the gloves come off. We were already losing like 13 to 2 and he still felt the need to be a big douche bag. How sportsmanlike is that? It was all I could do not to grab a bat and bust his face with it..

                Right after that, we had one of the parents of our own player confront our coach (evidently thinking he could do a much better job of things himself,, although he's NEVER been to even one practice) and they came close to blows after the game before myself and my wife stepped in and ran that guy off.

                I'm sick of all of the drama - these kids just want to play ball and have fun not watch a bunch of azz clowns argue with each other.

                Anyone else experience this??

                yes and I'm glad we are done with it.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by WestEndAngler View Post
                  Well I was going to send this in a PM but seeing some kids get discouraged like Barham posted made me want to post this on public forum:

                  I grew up with Baseball from when I was 5 til 21, sometime in College, finally gave it up (competitively). I remember several occasions of parents interceding into places they should not have. I've seen parents fight, umps call the game due to parents, cops called, kids fighting. It gets better as more kids finally drop out and kids get older. You can't do anything about the spectators except ask them to leave. The kids will either start disliking it or thrive on the game and learn to love it. I did.

                  It is sad to read that the idea of baseball at this age, at least last night, was thwarted by two adults acting like kids. If you can get the guys to apologize then great but short of writing a letter to the league office what can one possibly do Mike? I don't remember the game starting to get real political until select leagues but then again I was still just a kid, what did I know.

                  If your son loves the game keep him going in it and let him play year round ball once/if his friends do.

                  There is no greater feeling than taking your first step onto a fully manicured ball field with a game not more than an hour away.

                  If you want to hear some stories talk to Jamin, he played through College.

                  select baseball is a joke. It is no longer about talent but how much $$$ you have to be on a team. I'm glad I'm done with it. My son say's fishing is way more fun.


                  • #10
                    I used to spend a lot of time volunteer umpiring for little leagues in New Orleans. I could fill several pages with the unbelievable things I saw and heard from parents. There's a lot of scum in this world, and you see it on display at little league games. I'm talking trash I wouldn't pizz on if they were on fire. The kids were great. They just wanted to play.
                    From 1970-1997, true heaven on Earth existed on the banks of Bayou Cook. "Hey Dad, Thanks for buying the Camp."


                    • #11
                      Little League is super serious stuff..... at least a lot of the parents/coaches think so...haha.

                      My son started Tball this year and I wasn't sure if I wanted to coach or not. I've got an extensive background in baseball so I decided I'd give it a shot. I just wanted to teach the kids the basics of throwing, catching, and hitting properly...teach them the game of baseball and most importantly HAVE FUN! I mean these are 5 and 6 year olds we are talking about here. Man oh man did I have the wrong impression of how Tball was. A lot of the parents and coaches are dead serious about Tball and will do anything to win that Tball trophy and t-shirt....lol. I am NOT that serious, at least not at this age group.

                      I lucked out and got a good group of kids and even better group of parents. We have no issues on our team, but some of the stuff I see on other teams just amazes me. Parents berating the umpire, coaches screaming at the kids when they do something wrong. THESE ARE 5 and 6 yr OLDS!!. Come on man. That kind of behavior probably drives more kids away from the game, rather than make them like it and want to play.

                      Of course we want to win, but we have fun and don't take it quite so serious as a lot of the others. We have a good team and are 5-2 right now and having a blast. We are no where near the best team out there, but I didn't sign up to coach with the goal of winning the freakin' tball championship. I want these kids to be excited to come to practice and games, not be nervous if they screw up they are going to get screamed at by the coach or a parent.

                      That's just been my experience this year. I was surprised at how serious people are at this age group. Lots of politics involved to. Makes me laugh at them.


                      • #12
                        Get this one....

                        We had a few ladies call and complain about our Team mom because she did not tell them when the end of year team party was after the first practice.

                        They called again and complained because the other ladies on the team do not speak to them enough..

                        They called again because they were not informed on where and how to purchase custom T-shirts that have their kids names on them that they could wear themselves.... These ladies are insane.!!! All the other moms on the team went to different places and had them designed and no 2 shirts look alike.

                        This is his first year of junior T-ball and he loves it but these people are freaking ridiculous....

                        I am sure I will have more stories in the years to come. It seems that there is a lot of politics (even more) and everyone wants their kids to be all stars with no training. No ones is out there for the kids to have fun, build team skills, and make friends..

                        It is a freaking JOKE!!

                        I will continue to take my son and support him because he loves the game, but I will pull him the first time I feel the enviroment is not safe or his role models are not leading him down the right path. These coaches are "role models" and they need to act as such!!! These boys and girls look up to them and watch every all of their actions..
                        KEEP IT WET..

