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Back from Mexico

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  • Back from Mexico

    Spent half of last week in Oaxaca, Mexico for a good buddy's wedding. Unfortunately, I had an important assignment due that Friday, so I had to take it along and spend the first 2 days working on it. Enjoyed the change of scenery and had a great time once the dang thing was submitted. This is my first trip to Mexico where I wasn't at a border town or Cozumel. Thought I'd share some pics.

    First time flying South from Bush, so I got to see some of the coast. Bad pic, but does this look familiar?

    First hotel had a bad @$$ open rooftop lounge. Too bad by the time I finished the assignment, we were leaving this hotel. Would have liked to drink many beers and chill there.

    The view

    Went to go see some ruins that are the oldest planned city in the American continent. Sweet view of the city of Oaxaca from the hilltop where they were

    Ruins themselves were pretty cool too.

    The natives there hunted a variety of animals apparently. How many hummingbirds do you think I need to shoot to get dinner?

    The Saturday market on Oaxaca is huge. Wish I had more time to spend there, but we had to leave and get ready for the wedding.

    Dyed chicks anyone?

    Mmmm... the best part.

    The fish they had was absolutley gross. Nothing was iced, and it was sitting out on tables. The owner has a tassle on a long stick they constantly wave around to keep most of the flies off.

    No fish were even moderately sized, and the bluecrabs were about 1/2 the legal size here (I think legal bluecrabs here aren't even worth the trouble)

    Split and dried horse mullet was a popular one.

    The bird vendors were pretty disturbing. They break the backs of their birds so they stay alive, but don't flap or walk. They just sit their, looking around with their heads. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a tree-hugger by any stretch. I fish and hunt whenever I can, and my job involves a lot of animal testing for science. I can see their point with keeping it fresh, and not having to cage the things, but I still think it's F'ed up.

    Small cooked grasshoppers are one of the specialty dishes of Oaxaca. They are OK. Crunchy and they don't have a taste of thier own, so they just taste like spices. Not too bad in a taco with guac, but I probably wouldn't buy it again.

    See the detail?

    The church for the ceremony was pretty nice. Too bad I couldn't understand a lick of what they were saying.

    The reception was 'crunk'. As soon as the mass ended and you left the church, there were guys waiting to pour you shots of mescal (kinda like tequila for that region). They had the a decent sized band with a bunch of traditional dancers, as well as a 15' high paper-mache bride and groom with guys inside that would make them dance around. This whole group went parading through the streets yelling and dancing for 30 minutes or so before we left for the real reception. Those mesicans know how to party!

    The real reception was cool too. Open bar, and some of the better wedding food I've had. Got drunk, busted a few moves, and went to sleep for the flight back in the early morning.

    Good times.

  • #2
    Pretty kewl dude........

    Looks like you had a good time, but we are glad you made it back safe!
    Pro Staff - Bounty Hunter Turbo Buzz, Creme Lures, New Pro Products, & K9 Fishing Fluorocarbon


    • #3
      My mom grew up in Oaxaca, Oaxaca and I have always wanted to go down there. I still have relatives there, so I would have free lodging. There are some bass lakes pretty close also from what I hear. Looks like a fun trip!
      Everything God does is right, the trademark on all his work is Love. Psalm 145:17


      • #4
        pretty cool.


        • #5
          Man, thanks for the story! The pics were great too, especially the one of the home waters!

          I think you actually caught Bastop Bay, the ICW, Mud Island, Titlum-Tatlum, Moody's Island, Cold Pass, Christmas Point and Bay, SLP, the old KOA, bird Island, and the extreme West End. I can't make out Blockade Runners, but I know it's there! Very cool catch from the window of a plane. Very cool indeed!
          From 1970-1997, true heaven on Earth existed on the banks of Bayou Cook. "Hey Dad, Thanks for buying the Camp."


          • #6
            Damn, when I am in Mexico I take pictures of drunks and ....... drunks thanks for sharing the pictures, looks like you had a good time.


            • #7
              looks like a good time.thanks for sharing
              Beer,its not just for breakfast


              • #8
                You should had got a Mexican BlackBird to sing Like an Eagle for you.
                most excellent story and pics...
                Dude, how did you like the bowl of chicken heads, good eats there huh?
                Not that much different than a Karankawa indian hunting the shallows at night with a torch and a spear.

